Android 2.4 Beta and Solo FW ( Update Available..

I was hoping to test it at Burning Man but think I'd better wait.
I'm going to jump on the beta bandwagon once his next/fixed beta version hits.
Hmmm... these beta versions have a shelf life of about 10 minutes. "fixed" is an illusive and fleeting concept. I was going to get up today and troubleshoot the problems with 'yesterday's', but....
It was for common code shared between apps, like the 3dr app and tower so you didn't have to have 2x the code doing the same thing behind the scenes.
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For those in various stages of anxiety, may I announce as well that 3DR Services was updated overnight to 1.6.0-beta 2, (from 1.5.3) adding "support for Solo Pano, Solo Return to Me, Solo Zipline shot messages."

I feel it in my bones, that the final release of Android 2.4.X is just around the corner. Or maybe that's just age I feel in my bones. I'll let y'all know!

ETA: Looked at 3DR Services release date though, and it says July 24, 2016....

Although I'm shown as a 3DR Service Beta tester in the app itself, I did not receive the 1.6.0-beta 2 version (I'm still on 1.5.3). Any idea why this is?
Nah Steve dont talk about Beta on here
Hmmmm, Google Play just shows 2.3 when I check it. Hence my question about Beta. The unreleased version is listed as 2.4.0-5 in Google Play when I look at it. Sorry, I'm new on this site so just trying to catchup with the lingo.
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Steve - you're referring to the Beta version I think?
That's was posted last month, AFTER pyrate started with the Beta confusion for non betas users.
Again, i repeat, No beta forums presently here,

If pyrate cares to open a public Forum, Exclusively for Beta's from whom ever? please, be my guest.
If you do, also explain that their Solo can drop out of the Sky & hurt someone.

I seen the confusion being caused by members talking about beta's with normal 3DR sanctioned updates all in the same sentence, Confused the hell out of normal users just wanting to keep updated with Solo 3DR sanctioned updates.
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Point being Pyrate did not initiate beta being discussed here. Steve just likes to make it my fault. This is not my post
pyrate, if you don't know it, You hold a lot of respect here @ 3DRPliots. & with that respect comes responsibility.
e.g. #1 Joe Blow " Just Joined yesterday" posted :
"The latest Beta is GREAT! install ASAP!"

Normal sense tell me, not to follow his advice, because he's new & may not know what;s he's talking about.

e.g. #2 Mr. Captain Hook:
Long time member, lot's of likes, explains intelligently Posted:
"The latest Beta is GREAT! install ASAP!"

This is all i have to say about anything to do about Beta info being posted in non specific forums.

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