Wireless Upgrade - Mikrotik

Jan 20, 2017
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The upgrade calls for buying 2 cards - one for the controller & one for the Solo drone....

When I met with the guys ( Christian & Ben ) from mRobotics.io ( these are the guys & company you are buying your GPS upgrade from & these are the guys that will most likely be servicing your Solo when it is out of warranty ), they indicated to only upgrade the controller, not the drone......Why....potential burning out of the iMX.6 processor inside the drone......

Has anyone heard about that...before I go replacing both cards in the controller & drone.....
If you're mostly flying in built up areas (ie noisy), then sure, just doing the card on the controller will yield a reasonable gain. (plus replacing the card on controller is significantly easier than the bird)

As for 'burning out' the imx6, that seems unlikely, unless there's a thermal issue, but I havent seen that on either of mine. Unless they're referring to the larger/higher power cards with the heatsinks on them?

Not doubting them, they certainly have more experience than me, but would be good to get the statement clarified with some detail.
I don't think burning out the iMX.6 would be a issue with the higher powered card. It will draw more current and generate a little more heat but why that would affect the iMX.6 I don't really understand.
As for why the controller is a better candidate than just the Solo? It is more important that the aircraft "hears" the controller rather than the controller hears the aircraft.
I might have to upgrade my controllers first, just to see how much it helps.

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I was actually told to upgrade my wireless cards from mRo and given the links to buy the set, the imx6 is the most expensive part to replace that I've seen for the solo. So I wouldn't want to do anything to risk it. However I've never heard of anyone burning it out either.

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