Will it crash and burn?

Jul 6, 2015
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Northern Virginia
Question that i have been too scared to test my self in the fear that it will not work and i will be left with a drone in a lot of pieces.

If i take my Solo off on a bridge and fly off the bridge and fly downward, will my propellers shut off when it reaches what it thinks is the ground or will i be able to fly freely?
IMOO I would use manual just to end the question... But fir what I understand, the GPS would take care of that question I'm sure.
Question that i have been too scared to test my self in the fear that it will not work and i will be left with a drone in a lot of pieces.

If i take my Solo off on a bridge and fly off the bridge and fly downward, will my propellers shut off when it reaches what it thinks is the ground or will i be able to fly freely?
You will be able to fly normally, no problem. Same as flying from the top of a cliff and flying down below your starting point. Internally, Solo is still maintaining the original home altitude. If you fly below it, it is just a negative number. If you are 50' below you home point and your RTH is 100' and you hit RTH, Solo will climb to 150 above the point it is to get to the original +100' above home.
I really doubt that the motors and props would shut down without the landing gear touching down. Even when you land the solo manually or in auto mode the props keep spinning for a few seconds until the solo knows that it has landed.

Interesting question though, because I don't think the solo will maintain a set altitude when the terrain below it changes. For example, I live in a mountainous area with lots of foothills, when I take off from a certain point and fly parallel to the mountain and try to maintain altitude, the foothills below the solo are constantly changing and the solo does not compensate for this to maintain the altitude I set from take off.

**this is my edit because I don't think I was very clear.
If I set the altitude to 150' and the terrain below drops off, the solo will not descend automatically to maintain an altitude of 150'. In the same vein, if the terrain below solo rises up (like it does in the foothills) the solo does not automatically ascend to 150' relative to the ground changing
Question that i have been too scared to test my self in the fear that it will not work and i will be left with a drone in a lot of pieces.

If i take my Solo off on a bridge and fly off the bridge and fly downward, will my propellers shut off when it reaches what it thinks is the ground or will i be able to fly freely?


No, its will fly normally. Make sure you have a good Home Point established. Taking off from the bridge could be an issue depending on the materials that the bridge was constructed with. You can definitely fly down. I hope you have a little experience before you attempt this maneuver. JMHO, of course.

Just so you are 100% sure: Jubalr and J R are correct - there will be no problems. I've done it many times. As Jubalr said, it is just a number internally that goes negative.
Yeah I totally went off topic there, lol, I have good intentions I swear! sorry for any confusion to the OP's question....

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