I've been pondering the gimbal delay, 3DR has said nothing about why, so I figured I'd give my thoughts on why...
Many have the "production" Solo in hand, sorry @rrmccabe
, and 3DR is now able to calibrate and refine based on an actual "open the box" production unit as of 3-4 weeks ago. If you had to refine the gimbal based on prototype or production Solo which would you chose? Sure, production would make sense.... The 4-8 weeks "delay" is very reasonable if this assumption were to be true.
Buck up and admit you wanted to be the first, knowing there would risks for issues or delays. Stuff happens in the first world, your impatience sounds like children whining they haven't had ice cream today.... fwiw, this is directed at the RCG Solo thread people.
Many have the "production" Solo in hand, sorry @rrmccabe

Buck up and admit you wanted to be the first, knowing there would risks for issues or delays. Stuff happens in the first world, your impatience sounds like children whining they haven't had ice cream today.... fwiw, this is directed at the RCG Solo thread people.