Where can I buy LED covers?

Dec 26, 2015
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I crashed my solo and lost one of my LED covers for my solo. I looked everywhere online amd called tech support amd they were no help. All they have is the shell for sell and thats to expensive. Does anyone know where i could buy some at if so that will be great thanks.
Try calling 3DR again and get the sales rep instead of tech support. I know someone on here recently bought all four LED covers for about $5 direct from 3DR. It's worth a shot anyway. good luck.
Try calling 3DR again and get the sales rep instead of tech support. I know someone on here recently bought all four LED covers for about $5 direct from 3DR. It's worth a shot anyway. good luck.

Okay ill try the sales rep. Ya I saw the other guy that bought hes for $5 i left a comment on his post to see what website he got them on. Thanks chuck
Heya, I don't know what progress you had made with this but I had contacted support on the 3DR website. They initially told me that I had to buy the total body kit (which, by the way is now up to $100) if I wanted to replace the covers. Well, I made a big stink and got a hold of a supervisor who said that they would sell them to me, but I would have to buy 4 and it would be $6+ S&H (a lot more reasonable than $100). It seems ludicrous to me that they don't sell them alone seeing as how the one that I lost was lost so easily; it was partly my fault for not checking it was more secure after I replaced a motor pod but is that really a $100 mistake?
When you make these calls, ask for either the RMA department, or Tier 2. Tier 1 is useless for anything that isn't software/flight log related. They'll tell you they don't have parts, or that you need an entire XXX kit. I've experienced this twice.

However, once you get someone from the RMA department, you should be fine, and able to buy whatever parts you need. Per someone else' suggestion on this board and the FB page, I was able to source some cables that Tier 1 TS claimed don't even exist. I paid .75, and they paid the FedEx to get it to my hotel.

Seriously, 3DR's tech support rocks, but who ever is responsible for training/sourcing the crew in Tijuana needs a bit of training/redirection from the San Diego team. Once you get someone from San Diego on the phone, all your worries will likely go away.

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