What is the cheapest Tablet u can fit with controller?


Aug 9, 2015
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Niagara Falls Ontario Canada
I think the screen on my Smart Phone is to small to use with the controller .. So I'm using my iPad Air which is great ..it's giving me a nice big picture..but will not fit in my controller ..so it's kinda a pain ! and I don't really want to spend that much money on a iPad mini to fit the controller... !!
Does anybody know a pretty cheep$ 8" Tablet I could buy that will work and fit in my controller.?
I think the screen on my Smart Phone is to small to use with the controller .. So I'm using my iPad Air which is great ..it's giving me a nice big picture..but will not fit in my controller ..so it's kinda a pain ! and I don't really want to spend that much money on a iPad mini to fit the controller... !!
Does anybody know a pretty cheep$ 8" Tablet I could buy that will work and fit in my controller.?
Yes I bought a Samsung 8" Tab A works great with the Solo so far Bought at Costco in Canada on sale $249...less expensive south of the border. I basically only use it on the Solo added a $ 35 case for it leave it on and it fits nicely in the controller
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Google nexus 7 works well slight delay though, should be about 150usd
A lot of folks were talking about a dragon tablet on rcg when I was still going there I'm not sure if it's an official support or a beta one right now though. Think they said they were about 80 to 120 pending on model and worked well. A lot of samsungs cheaper offerings are supported but I'm using an s6 myself and it does get choppy sometimes and it's used for only music and solo I'm not sure how it's specs compare to their tabs though.

Kinda bad news but I also use my iPhone 5s and it streams smoother than my s6 despite the specs being much better. I got the android for tower app but am debating a iPad mini because of this its got to be the app cause in every aspect the s6 blows the iPhone out of the water beside solo streaming. Just sucks cause iOS offers less yet costs way more so I'm kinda hoping the app gets an update that lets it run better on my android.
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Thanks for the feed back gentlemen .. I don't know nothing about the android market ..I'm more into the Apple product... So I decided to spend the extra money and got an iPad mini2 at Walmart for $300..and totally dedicated to my solo.. So now I just gotta get a protective case for it and that will also still fit into the controller!
I'm using a 8 inch Nextbook tablet. It's $78 from WalMart.

It works ok, but no internal GPS so the only thing that you can't use it for is 'follow me' mode.

The screen is not the brightest, it's not the fastest tablet, but it works well with the Solo controller (if you don't have to use the Folow Me mode).

The price is hard to beat!
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Samsung Tab 4 7" screen ... $149
If you decide to use Tower, it is only available for Android.
Samsung Tab 4 7" screen ... $149
If you decide to use Tower, it is only available for Android.

You getting any lag or really more just a choppy feed than it actually being slow or behind, my s6 seems to keep up speed wise but gets choppy sometimes. I kinda wonder if it being a higher res screen could make any difference or if the app itself is causing it since its smooth on my iPhone.
I'd like to get the s6 working well cause I want to buy a surface or similar win 10 tablet aside from solo gear, but i may have to get a iPad mini 2 or 3 if not and wait on a surface for a bit.
Off topic a bit but I really like win 10 so far wish there was a chance they'd make the app for 10 tablets or phones but i doubt it, I really liked my windows phone but very little app support is why I switched to other options. Being open source maybe somehow or another somebody will convert the app or make a useable version for windows. I'd even enjoy being able to use my new laptop as a ground station in the future, I'm not sure how possible or likley this is just thinking it'd be nice having another use for my Sager.
You getting any lag or really more just a choppy feed than it actually being slow or behind, my s6 seems to keep up speed wise but gets choppy sometimes. I kinda wonder if it being a higher res screen could make any difference or if the app itself is causing it since its smooth on my iPhone.
Haven't had any problems with it. Now if I'm way out and about to lose the signal it is laggy..
Haven't had any problems with it. Now if I'm way out and about to lose the signal it is laggy..

See I'm wondering what causes mine than the s6 has pretty solid specs wonder if doing the wifi mod would give me better results far as feed is concerned. I'm assuming it will help and I can get both cards for like 65 bucks local, looks like another excuse to do that mod.

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