weird landing

Dec 23, 2016
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i got my gp4 installed the other day and decided to take it out. right when i took off it started to drizzel so i decided to put it back down. upon landing the engines wouldn't stop. i had left stick down and it started rise again and skidded across the floor when it fell over. with the engine still spinning i was worried the motors would burn out so i reached down and held the power button. that still took a couple of seconds but i got it stop. i had to admit i was a little worried about sticking my hand in there to turn it off but by that point i only had one propeller left that was still whole.

could that have been a weak GPS signal? i never had the motors continue to spin after a landing. from start to finish this was 20 seconds.

i replaced the props and went out later and all seemed well. i wish i could tell if one motor was not up to par. i noticed today in heavy winds the drone had a hard time hovering.
Others have had a similar event including me a couple of times.
I emailed 3DR and spoke with the guys at Mrobotics about it. Without log files neither can tell for sure what caused it.
One of the two told me it could be caused by stick calibration.
I was never prompted for that on the controller and I would think if that were the problem it would happen more frequently. Not once every few months.

So, for a more definitive answer, open a case with 3DR and send them the log files.

there s no warning about stick calibration. I just do it on all my uavs
As for incidents, submitting a ticket with logs is as simple as clicking a button so not sure why that was an issue.

the only reason it would act like that is it did not know it was on the ground.
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