I'm still having issues with my video feed....can not figure it out.......have spent over four hours on the phone with 3dr techs.....I have two solos my buddy has one...all three have video feed issues. combined we have 3 different cameras....one hero 4 black, one 4 silver and a 3+. I have a new ipad mini and a nexus 7, my buddy has the android too. Have reloaded the software on numerous occasions, have pulled one apart down to the bottom of the circuit board to check the backside of the camera plug...have turned it on in every different sequence, cameras are set at 1080, 60, and medium on NTSC feed (PAL will definitely not work). I bought a spare new battery for the hero 4 (thinking it was a power issue, because i do feel if you don't have a charged battery on the hero you will have issues). I have had the issue of one of them having low signal strength right out of the box (i flew them side by side for the test), one of them kept going to RTH and finally got a message that said controller stick calibration required, contact 3dr support, so i did and they walked me through that..now that seems to be working but still get video feed off and on, but when i need it it's not there. It doesn't just shut off....if you have it when you fire up the solo, the feed will be fine, ive flown through 3 batteries, then the next day i'll go to fly and no feed...i can shut off everything a half dozen times and nothing. I'm thinking (and hoping) when the gimble is finally releases it will solve the issue (i don't think they designed solo to be used without a gimble and that is part of the issue). At any rate i'm out of ideas...hoping someone else will have something?