Just got off the phone with Casey at 3DR customer support and he assured me that everything is on schedule, Solo and gimabl both. Shipping may even begin today on Solo with gimabl to those faithful that pre ordered from the beginning. According to Casey, it's a first come/order first serve/order out of 3DR order que system. The first to pre order will be the first to receive. I also asked him about tutorials on how to connect/calibrate gimbal, compass and when would the app be available. His answer was a little vague in that he really had no answer other than to say that I would receive a notification email with all those details once my pre order left the warehouse in route to me. Casey said to check the 3DR website for the latest information. There website has not updated since the Solo's release last month, nor has their FB page. My pre order was several days after the pre order's began so I don't expect my Solo and gimbal to go out before end of May. I'm good with that.