stuck "preflight update"

Mar 16, 2016
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Just got the drone yesterday and cant get past initial setup. I believe I've read all the threads and just can´t get anything to work. What I've done so far:

Uploaded and downloaded software from tablet many times
reset bird and controller many many times
took out battery in controller and drone
uninstalled gimble (had it installed initially)
the orange light in the drone blinks after reset, so I believe that's not the problem
No matter what I do, the controller resets to version 6.14 but them jumps right back to "preflight update" and I can't get it out of there.
If I look at the back of the controller I see a green light "on", an orange light "flashing", and a solid red light "on"

Did I get a lemon? anybody have any ideas? please help
try re-ininstalling the app, then follow the steps in the instructions if that don't work contact support and they will help you out.
I installed the App on an Android and IOS, neither one worked. I'm pretty sure the red light on the back is not a good sign...
Are you able to connect the controller to the app via wifi?
It is impressive to see how many people have had these type of problems, now that I am one of them. Shoudn't bee this away for a $ 2k toy. Can't belive they can't get past these glitches, hope it not just the beggining.
Yes although the controller is stuck on "preflight update" I can connect it to the App, but then it goes on forever "looking for solo"...and never finds it
once you get to Waiting for solo try this
turn off solo, controller then uninstall and reinstall the app and make sure the app isn't running in the background.
once the app is reinstalled
turn on your gopro
turn on solo
turn on controller, open the app
mine did the same and this corrected it.

try it in this order.
No luck, did exactly as you say. It connects via wifi to controller, but I'm back to "preflight update" and "looking for solo"
I'm not sure what else to suggest, id contact support, it might need a factory reset.
I have he same problem brand new solo out from the box, stuck on preflight update but no WiFI, can't even turn the controller off. Did try pull the battery off turned the controller back on but still no luck

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