Solo spins on takeoff

Sep 18, 2015
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Has anyone seen a issue with their Solo where it would just spin as it took off? I used mine last weekend and it worked flawlessly. Today I powered everything on, got GPS lock, started the motors then took off. Just as the Solo lifted off it stared spinning rapidly. I had no yaw control but was able to pull the throttle stick down and land.
I powered everything off, performed level and compass calibrations then tried again. First, I checked all motors with no props and they all powered on, revved to full throttle and back down again. I then re-attached the props and started the motors, All 4 spun up so I took a few extra steps back and pressed Fly to take off, same issue but this time it would not land. It eventually veered to the side and crashed. I sent the Logs to 3DR so we will see what they find but I have not heard of this issue on any of the forums.
Sound like a possible motor issue. Here a simple mechanical check to perform while waiting to hear back from 3DR - which shouldn't be painfully long.

How do the fours feel relative to each other when turning by hand? Same amount of non-restrictive and pulsating feel. Now when the motors are powered on and slightly reved for lift - look across all four props. Do all the prop spinning planes look the same. If something looks not so cool, does it happen to be the one that feels maybe a little different.

Nevertheless the 3DR guys will let you know.

Let us know about your outcome. It's might not feel right now but be assured 3DR will get you going.
Were you able to resolve this issue? I am having the same trouble.

Is this a new Solo and first flight? If not, what has changed since successfully flown?
Has anyone seen a issue with their Solo where it would just spin as it took off? I used mine last weekend and it worked flawlessly. Today I powered everything on, got GPS lock, started the motors then took off. Just as the Solo lifted off it stared spinning rapidly. I had no yaw control but was able to pull the throttle stick down and land.
I powered everything off, performed level and compass calibrations then tried again. First, I checked all motors with no props and they all powered on, revved to full throttle and back down again. I then re-attached the props and started the motors, All 4 spun up so I took a few extra steps back and pressed Fly to take off, same issue but this time it would not land. It eventually veered to the side and crashed. I sent the Logs to 3DR so we will see what they find but I have not heard of this issue on any of the forums.

This happend to me I sent in the logs they said it was Motor pod 3. But when i looked at the logs my compass was not calibrated.
Calibrate your compass via the APP! Calibrate your compass EVERY time you fly out of your normal flying area. Like if you travel someplace. Or if your always traveling calibrate your compass every time. Also allow your SOLO to sit outside for 15min before you power it up and take off. The Barometer inside is responsible for altitude and may cause the Flight controller to go wonky!

Cheers happy flying.
I flew the Solo twice and everything was fine. Third flight, took off, wind was blowing a bit and brought it back down and it turned over on its back. 4th Flight the Solo was spinning out of control, was able to get it back on the ground but it tumbled again, this time broke a prop. Took the solo back inside did a factory reset per 3DR instructions, recalibrate Level and Compass, and on take off same thing. I was able to get it back to the ground before it got to out of control.
I wonder if something happened to one of the pods when you brought it back during flight 3 and it flipped, since flight 4 is when it was spinning? 3rd flight was ok performance wise except for landing? No spinning, but it flipped?
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Yup Steve that's exactly what came to my mind, if bound up those motors get hot fast and can fail. I thought mine may have when mine tipped on two arms in the early weeks after release from a gps issue causing my only crash/hard landing really.
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I wonder if something happened to one of the pods when you brought it back during flight 3 and it flipped, since flight 4 is when it was spinning? 3rd flight was ok performance wise except for landing? No spinning, but it flipped?

That's true, that's what we're thinking. I have sent log files to 3dr and waiting for their analysis. If this is the problem, will something like that show up in the tlogs?

That's true, that's what we're thinking. I have sent log files to 3dr and waiting for their analysis. If this is the problem, will something like that show up in the tlogs?


Yea 3dr should be able to see that and what if anything other than wind caused the original instability most likely, be ready they'll likely ask you for your last ten logs and GoPro feed if you have it in their reply. It's a couple hoops to jump through, but I guess they do need the whole picture. Kinda wish it was as simple as it sounded with the ticket process, it's not too bad though just a bit of time between replies. If you want to speed things up may want to get on your computer and go ahead and send these things now. It may get you back in the air a bit faster.

Good luck and keep us posted, welcome to the site.
Yea 3dr should be able to see that and what if anything other than wind caused the original instability most likely, be ready they'll likely ask you for your last ten logs and GoPro feed if you have it in their reply. It's a couple hoops to jump through, but I guess they do need the whole picture. Kinda wish it was as simple as it sounded with the ticket process, it's not too bad though just a bit of time between replies. If you want to speed things up may want to get on your computer and go ahead and send these things now. It may get you back in the air a bit faster.

Good luck and keep us posted, welcome to the site.

OK great! I zipped up the entire log folder and sent it to them. There was no video as I had not started filming yet, the entire flight was less than 10seconds. I will keep you posted on what 3DR comes back with.

Thanks again
Ok gang. Here is what I got back from 3DR regarding the Spinning Solo.

I sent all the log files to 3DR and they were able to isolate the problem (See Below)

"i have encounter multiple cases with that symptom, in 80% of the cases its because the parameters are modified either manually through the Tower app (or similar) or by uploading the parameters list from a ground station like Mission Planner or APM Planner, this changes the FRAME parameter which modifies the spin direction of the propellers. In the other 20%, the motor pods are placed in the wrong way (wrong order) which make solo spin like that.
The factory reset does not change the parameters to default. To reset the parameter to default please find the parameter "SYSID_SW_MREV", this parameter has a value of 120, change the value to 0 (zero) and rewrite the parameters to apply the changes."

We did this, recalibrated Level and Compass and everything is working great now. The solo is flying perfectly again. I am unsure how this setting got changed and I need to spend some time figuring that out so that it does not happen again. Nonetheless, all is good now. Hope this helps anyone having the same problem.

Ok gang. Here is what I got back from 3DR regarding the Spinning Solo.

I sent all the log files to 3DR and they were able to isolate the problem (See Below)

"i have encounter multiple cases with that symptom, in 80% of the cases its because the parameters are modified either manually through the Tower app (or similar) or by uploading the parameters list from a ground station like Mission Planner or APM Planner, this changes the FRAME parameter which modifies the spin direction of the propellers. In the other 20%, the motor pods are placed in the wrong way (wrong order) which make solo spin like that.
The factory reset does not change the parameters to default. To reset the parameter to default please find the parameter "SYSID_SW_MREV", this parameter has a value of 120, change the value to 0 (zero) and rewrite the parameters to apply the changes."

We did this, recalibrated Level and Compass and everything is working great now. The solo is flying perfectly again. I am unsure how this setting got changed and I need to spend some time figuring that out so that it does not happen again. Nonetheless, all is good now. Hope this helps anyone having the same problem.

Had you changed the parameters anywhere in Mission Planner or Tower? That seems odd if you didn't touch anything. By the way you can change that parameter value in either Mission Planner or Tower. If anyone needs a walk though let me know.
Had you changed the parameters anywhere in Mission Planner or Tower? That seems odd if you didn't touch anything. By the way you can change that parameter value in either Mission Planner or Tower. If anyone needs a walk though let me know.

Ok thanks for this comment. If this can be changed in Tower then I believe this may be where we messed up. If you don't mind, where in Tower can this be changed so that I know to stay away from it in the future?

When you go in to tower and connect to Solo and you click on the hamburger menu in the top left. Go to parameters ,the parameters should automatically populate if you're connected. You can then search for the parameter you want to change and simply hit the cloud icon with the up arrow afterwards.
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Has anyone seen a issue with their Solo where it would just spin as it took off? I used mine last weekend and it worked flawlessly. Today I powered everything on, got GPS lock, started the motors then took off. Just as the Solo lifted off it stared spinning rapidly. I had no yaw control but was able to pull the throttle stick down and land.
I powered everything off, performed level and compass calibrations then tried again. First, I checked all motors with no props and they all powered on, revved to full throttle and back down again. I then re-attached the props and started the motors, All 4 spun up so I took a few extra steps back and pressed Fly to take off, same issue but this time it would not land. It eventually veered to the side and crashed. I sent the Logs to 3DR so we will see what they find but I have not heard of this issue on any of the forums.
Did u ever figure
Has anyone seen a issue with their Solo where it would just spin as it took off? I used mine last weekend and it worked flawlessly. Today I powered everything on, got GPS lock, started the motors then took off. Just as the Solo lifted off it stared spinning rapidly. I had no yaw control but was able to pull the throttle stick down and land.
I powered everything off, performed level and compass calibrations then tried again. First, I checked all motors with no props and they all powered on, revved to full throttle and back down again. I then re-attached the props and started the motors, All 4 spun up so I took a few extra steps back and pressed Fly to take off, same issue but this time it would not land. It eventually veered to the side and crashed. I sent the Logs to 3DR so we will see what they find but I have not heard of this issue on any of the forums.
Did you ever get down to the issue.. mine is doing the same and cant figure it out
Has anyone seen a issue with their Solo where it would just spin as it took off? I used mine last weekend and it worked flawlessly. Today I powered everything on, got GPS lock, started the motors then took off. Just as the Solo lifted off it stared spinning rapidly. I had no yaw control but was able to pull the throttle stick down and land.
I powered everything off, performed level and compass calibrations then tried again. First, I checked all motors with no props and they all powered on, revved to full throttle and back down again. I then re-attached the props and started the motors, All 4 spun up so I took a few extra steps back and pressed Fly to take off, same issue but this time it would not land. It eventually veered to the side and crashed. I sent the Logs to 3DR so we will see what they find but I have not heard of this issue on any of the forums.
Mine is doing the same.. any ideas yet??
Mine is doing the same.. any ideas yet??
It's either going to be a motor or the config. Most of these I have seen posted were the result of the configuration that tells the PH2 what type of bird it is in. Some how it gets changed to a cross instead of an X configuration. You will need an Android and Tower from the Pllay store..
Try the following:

From Tower App
1.- Follow the steps shown.
2.- Open the menu and go to Parameters.
3.- Once you area at the parameters section search for the SYSID_SW_MREV parameter.
4.- When you find it please select the number written to the right of the parameter name, delete it and write a "0" (Without quotation marks).
5.- Once you have changed the parameter go to the upper-right part of the screen and select the three dot icon.
6.- On that drop down list please select Upload Parameters.
7.- Finally turn off your Solo and then turn it back on.
*Please make sure to do both level and compass calibrations after doing the reset.
Have you messed in mission planner at all? I had this happen once and somehow MP changed my quad type to a different configuration. I swear I didn't set that as I was only spinning up motors for balancing purposes. Anyway, same thing...solo would spin and flip immediately on takeoff. The fix was to reset of the pixhawk parameters to default. See this post, in particular the "From the list, select SYSID_SW_MREV, normal value should be 120, double click on it and change it to 0." That was the trick. I believe you can probably do that from most GCS's, not just MP.

Please tell me what this means . . .
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