Solo Range since update

Jun 6, 2015
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Seems strange to me why or how but with both stock and the fpvlr antennas I'm seeing a fairly drastic reduction in my signal it seems. Granted it has been stormy and is kinda muggy or hazy here so I just wondered if others seemed to have this at all as well.

I mostly mean the bars as I'm not positive on my previous Rssi since I just started using the extended info on screen over the weekend but where I'd have three bars on stocks more on the upgrades now it seems I'm limited to two and my video was choppy which I've never had. I've had great luck on both an s6 android and an iPhone 5s never a crash in app always smooth but tonight was choppy on my s6 didn't try my iPhone since I need to update it and it's dark now. I would say they just adjusted the bars sensitivity but my video was affected as well.

Any others notice this or is it just the crumby weather here in Cincinnati, it's been raining or windy about 95 percent of the time since I picked up my solo it's killing me. I've still got about 30 flights and have had decent luck but still tired of this weather.
Firmware I'm pretty sure didn't notice it since app update and I know that may mess with video but wouldn't think range would be affected.
I am guessing weather. Humidity does effect range. Dry clear air will always be best.
I don't think I've ever had any more than 3 bars and if you're up when the air is thick, you should expect signal degradation.
Seems strange to me why or how but with both stock and the fpvlr antennas I'm seeing a fairly drastic reduction in my signal it seems. Granted it has been stormy and is kinda muggy or hazy here so I just wondered if others seemed to have this at all as well.

I mostly mean the bars as I'm not positive on my previous Rssi since I just started using the extended info on screen over the weekend but where I'd have three bars on stocks more on the upgrades now it seems I'm limited to two and my video was choppy which I've never had. I've had great luck on both an s6 android and an iPhone 5s never a crash in app always smooth but tonight was choppy on my s6 didn't try my iPhone since I need to update it and it's dark now. I would say they just adjusted the bars sensitivity but my video was affected as well.

Any others notice this or is it just the crumby weather here in Cincinnati, it's been raining or windy about 95 percent of the time since I picked up my solo it's killing me. I've still got about 30 flights and have had decent luck but still tired of this weather.
As a matter of fact, I had my tab 10.5 as a video monitor for the gopro and the picture was choppy that was last night about 6 pm central time.
I got out farther with this firmware than I did with the original firmware (5200ft versus 4200ft, both with FPVLR antenna).

This firmware certainly did not cut down the range, though it may have changed the bars graph view.
As a matter of fact, I had my tab 10.5 as a video monitor for the gopro and the picture was choppy that was last night about 6 pm central time.

Also it has been humid and because of the wild fires burning in Canada we have been under a blanket of haze.
Glad to hear it I kinda figured that but with the update I was being impatient getting an answer in case weather didn't change it's been pretty crumby here consistently but the air did seem thicker yesterday after the storms. I wasn't sure today would bring any difference but it has it's still muggy but doesn't seem near as damp and thick as yesterday since the sun has come out. Thanks for all the info I just got off work so I'll test it shortly and hopefully see even better results as some said above.

Wow that many posted answers to a question and no "solo sucks because...." comments from the peanut gallery, I shoulda come here day 1.

Thanks again
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