Solo Bomber...

Idiots like this are the reason our hobby will soon be outlawed.
Damn, that's less spare parts in the future if they all work out solo is the best value drone out there for kamakasi missions
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Just more BS "laws" take away the guns, drones, etc. etc. and anybody that wants to, will find a way. It's the people, not the devices. Remote controlled flying machines have been around for many, many years, but "PEOPLE" with intent on harming others, not so long.
Remote controlled flying machines have been around for many, many years, but "PEOPLE" with intent on harming others, not so long.

Can we agree to disagree on that one! I imagine people not wanting to harm others came well after those doing the harm since the dawn of time.
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The first thing I noticed in those photos was the Solo case that it ships in ... The article states, "3Dr Solo Quadcopter, had 'a big explosive charge'. The drone retails for about $250 online." ... so the prices may go back up when the wannabe gangsters see that price :)
It's ironic that it comes from Mexico, a country with one of the most stringent gun laws and one of the highest crime indexes and where criminals get their guns nonetheless. Just to show how laws work.
And bombs and intention to harm others remind of the Boston bombers and how they converted pressure cookers into bombs that killed dozens.
Mexico's corruption allows the criminals to get their hands on firearms. In my opinion gun laws work, take the UK for example.
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I understood they mostly brought them in across the border, don't know if that's actually the truth though, can't really trust anything you hear these days
The whole point is that of someone is intent in committing a crime laws will not prevent it. The UK example is a good one. Gun crime might be down but crime is way up and now they are even banning knives.
So, enacting many laws and restrictions will only hurt who follows the laws. Criminals will keep doing their things. We still see irresponsible guys flying near airports and the laws already prohibit it. Did that stop them?
The UK never had the gun quantity that the US has. It's easy to prevent gun crime with the guns barely exist there to begin with.

In the US, it would require the government ceasing the property of law abiding citizens, which will never happen. And that would leave only criminals with millions of guns, completely unchecked. Because the criminals are going to turn their guns in the government because some law says so. It's ludicrous. The problem in the US is not guns. Its people. Criminals are people. And our justice system is catch and release. There are little to no consequences.
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The UK never had the gun quantity that the US has. It's easy to prevent gun crime with the guns barely exist there to begin with.

In the US, it would require the government ceasing the property of law abiding citizens, which will never happen. And that would leave only criminals with millions of guns, completely unchecked. Because the criminals are going to turn their guns in the government because some law says so. It's ludicrous. The problem in the US is not guns. Its people. Criminals are people. And our justice system is catch and release. There are little to no consequences.
I consider the government to be the biggest criminals of them all. At least with criminals they are up front about it :)
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13 minute flight time?
If you'll saw the 3dr with duck tape and a little bomb attached you would notice that the so called bombed was the size of a golf ball. With 3dr and the shitty distance, I'm sure this bomb wouldn't have done shit.

Aspire 2 would maybe do the job with a "bomb"

13 minute flight time?
If you'll saw the 3dr with duck tape and a little bomb attached you would notice that the so called bombed was the size of a golf ball. With 3dr and the shitty distance, I'm sure this bomb wouldn't have done shit.

Aspire 2 would maybe do the job with a "bomb"

Exactly what I was thinking, might choose something with some payload and that was not hampered by WiFi signal.
13 minute flight time?
If you'll saw the 3dr with duck tape and a little bomb attached you would notice that the so called bombed was the size of a golf ball. With 3dr and the shitty distance, I'm sure this bomb wouldn't have done shit.

Aspire 2 would maybe do the job with a "bomb"

The DJI troll makes an appearance just to use claim the solo is so terrible that it doesn't even make a good terrorist bomb delivery tool.
Not a DJ I troll I'm just saying why would they strap a little bomb that looks like a nutsack to the bottom of a 3dr with the short flight times that we have.
What does flight time have to do with it?? It doesn't take more than a minute or two to reach a target that is within line of sight. You're argument makes absolutely no sense. Also, where do you see a nutsack sized bomb? It is capable of plenty more than that.
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Yep our Hobby is destined for doom because of this! You know, the way rental trucks are now illegal. The way pressure cookers are now illegal. The way fertilizer is now illegal. The way guns are now illegal. Heck, let's get really crazy...the way cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, put bulls, motorcycles, jet skis, cell phones, etc are now illegal.
Not a DJ I troll I'm just saying why would they strap a little bomb that looks like a nutsack to the bottom of a 3dr with the short flight times that we have.

You can way point a Solo. 15 minutes can get you 10 miles or more. Mount a $30 camera on the front and a grenade attached wired to the accessory bay triggered by pressing a gimbal preset. Easy. Less than $400 to take out an enemy? That's a pretty good deal.
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So the solos can fly 80mph?

I can see the grenade thing but why drop 1 single grenade with a 3 second fuse?

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