Pilot Erorr/Solo Error?

Jun 18, 2015
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On the 20th of June I encountered what I believe is a Solo fly away I'm looking for some feedback and would greatly appreciate any help with this issue to determine if it was pilot error or Solo issue.

Back story, my Son and me were exploring some the Solo features, such as the Selfie shots. Everything seemed to be working great. The video of the Selfie test is posted at
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We then landed the Solo, with I think RTH function and Solo performed a motor shutdown. I then started the motors and took off again with the Auto take off feature. At that time, when the Solo was in hover mode, I THINK I may have hit the fly button again, I'm not sure. What ever I did, the Solo took off FAST and flew straight into my house. The video is here
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The crash broke 3 of the 4 props, broke the battery holder button and scared the crap out of me.

I mentioned 'the Solo took of FAST' as I have not modified any of the stock acceleration settings yet and I do not think it would have accelerated as fast as it did with the factory acceleration settings. Also, the Solo was pointed front out, so I don't think I had a reversed control issue.

I have attached the Support logs that the Solo app sent to 3dr. I'm a little new at these, but it looks like shotlog.002.log is the log file for the Selfie. Which would make the shotlog.001.log the log file for the crash. I loaded the solo.tlog into Mission planner and I'm trying to figure out what happened.

I have submitted the logs to 3dr on the 25th of June and received a canned email response that 3dr would be getting back to me within 24-48 hours. As of today, I have received no further correspondence from 3dr, so I tried to call them. I was on hold for 20 minutes before the VM system told me they were overloaded and please call back during business hours and then got hung up on.

As mentioned above, any help or feedback greatly appreciated.

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