NEO-M8 series

I've been curious if a NEO-M8N could just replace the existing NEO-M7 on the present board. I'd assume it the M8 is where all the brains are and the existing board meets all its needs to work....just curious.
Interesting, even if it does everything it claims, I can't see anyone needing it that already gets good GPS lock in under 1 min. & No GPS problems.
"Almost 25 satellites"? I guess that sounds better than reporting the actual number; like 24? Or was it more like 24.89? Or maybe by percentage, 22 is almost 25? Oh well, gotta make it sound good to the L.I.V.
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I'm typically getting 8-12 sattelittes with .8 HDOP. I added the shield and get lock in <1 minute.

24 would be ridiculous and added piece of mind. But my soldering skills suck so I'd end up bricking the bird. If it was plug n play I'd go for it.
Dang. From the site:
"This early release does not include cables, we expect you to use the same GPS cable included in your SOLO."

sigh... if that means no soldering... take my money...

Edit: I tried to send a form and an email to ask about solo installation. Both bounced. Will see if phone works when they wake up.
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It also says it's immune to RFI from the solo and GoPro. That RFI is what the old copper foil and the new RF absorbent sheet are for. So this reads as if they've made it so you don't even need the shields. Interesting.
The M8 series are capable of centimetre accuracy using Post Processing techniques.
our bird can do this Post Processing techniques?
I would shell out some bucks $$$ on DIY "centimetre accuracy" GPS system.
Very interested!
So far, I see that it's going to be a dual GPS system. 1 on Solo the other on base station. 2x Raspberry PI's talking to Pixhawk.
DIY "centimetre accuracy" GPS system. Think about it..Wow!

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