That's very detailed, it's good 3DR has explained the multipoint cablecam so well already.
this had a little more meat, it did say that splines were being calculated for waypoints.
I am more interested in how the three modes below are invoked and how the controls play

1) Work the camera freely while Solo flies on the cable from frame to frame;

2) Fly Solo along the cable yourself, while Solo does what no other drone can, automatically handling camera pointing and tilt to capture a smooth narrative from one frame to the next;

3) Or just press “play” and let Solo handle both the flying and the camerawork, perfectly capturing a complex, twisting, tunneling multi-keyframe shot.
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the others are going to have to play catch up or figure out a way to add some computing power to their birds
I'd love a little more camera control in the automation.

Thinking about it as I type this, I guess it's simply a matter of assigning multiple waypoints that look as the same frame (object or whatever) then as soon as you are ready for the camera to pan away to next framed area, immediately put another waypoint with the new framing.

Looking forward to playing with this. And yes of course the ability to save smart shots. I like ve the idea of being able to frame a shot, make multiple runs to tweak and. Land and put a fresh battery in and get the shots.

I'm also wondering what kind of tweak ability there will be. If I set say 10 points along the line. Can I go into point 3 and adjust?

Can't wait.
Any idea when this update is getting released? Still haven't seen any dates. Maybe I am missing something.

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