Mission Planner on Mac

Mar 5, 2016
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Anyone able to connect to Solo via APM Mission Planner using the Mac and not via Windows or Parallel? My WiFi never connects.
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What I saw on my Mac. It would "see" the solo wifi, and when you connect it would behave as if it had not connected because the "signal indicator" would continue to flicker. As someone else on here explained, it is connected but because of some reason it shows the signal is not locked. I was able to sit and use mission planner without any issue under this condition.
Amazing, that actually works. Now if I can just figure out how to get it to show my previous flight path on map.

What I saw on my Mac. It would "see" the solo wifi, and when you connect it would behave as if it had not connected because the "signal indicator" would continue to flicker. As someone else on here explained, it is connected but because of some reason it shows the signal is not locked. I was able to sit and use mission planner without any issue under this condition.
It's the same behavior when connecting to the solo wifi network when using the PC. The problem is the Solo network doesn't broadcast internet, so most computers show them as having "limited connections", even though it still works normally for our use.
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Same here. Used my iMac desktop to link to and fix the controller stick error problem today. The Mac recognized the Solo Wifi but did not show it being able to link to the internet.
Amazing, that actually works. Now if I can just figure out how to get it to show my previous flight path on map.

apm planner can download dataflash logs (graphs>download log), but it is slow. a much faster way is to use solo-cli (solo logs download). once you have the logs, you can use open logs in apm planner (graphs>open log). now apm planner won't display your logs on a map like mission planner, but you can export the log to google earth kmz and view the flight path in google earth (graphs>log to google earth file).

mission planner is much better for log analysis, but hey apm planner is free and i thank the devs for it.
Thanks Frank. Ended up loading Mission Planner in Parallel/Windows and had some fun with it. Did not realize APM Planner and Mission Planner were not the same.
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Can APM 2.0 retrieve a current mission saved to the solo? I would like to create the mission in Tower, and then revise in APM. Store them as text files in APM waypoint format. Will Tower retrieve currently loaded mission from Solo? Is there a logical means to go back and forth between the two applications? I am finding the binary files exported from Tower, but cannot get to edit the individual values as you can with APM export.
I've never done it on the Solo, but I have on other APM flight controllers and I don't see any reason it wouldn't work the same. Missions uploaded from Mission Planner download fine in Tower, and vice versa. Should be the same with any other ground station software.
Can you point out the portion of the interface (menu, screen, button?) from these two applications which download from the copter to the application?

Thank you.
In Tower, Flight Plan screen, Read WP's button on the right. In Tower, three button menu in the upper right, Download Mission. Not sure about other applications, but look for something similar.

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