I have applied for the Section 333 exemption and also want to start a business. The new regulation will take a while, currently next summer is the newest estimate but that will most likely be delayed. There is a bill in the legislature that will implement many of the part of the regulation as a stopgap. The requirement for a pilots license will go away but there will be training and reporting requirements.
My suggestion (and my plan)
File for the exemption ( I have a templet that should work that I can post or send)
Build your experience and qualifications by doing some free photography waiting for the new regs.
See if you can find a local pilot to work with you
Comply when the new regs are in place.
I realize that a lot of people are not technically legal in the eyes of FAA, that is up to you. But as a long term business you will need insurance and will need to comply, I believe it is good to start now with the Section 333 exemption, rather than wait for 100,000 other to apply (currently about 3240, last count).