Help needed for a newbie

Apr 22, 2016
Reaction score
Hi drone community
I'm new to this, and am struggling to 'get off the ground' you could say lol
My issue is that I don't seem able to get passed the update stage. It updates - and then displays 'go fly' but then reverts back to 'updating'. I've been following these instructions for hours now and im starting to loose patience. Can anyone offer any advice on this, before I 'manually' launch this thing to the skies !
Thanks in anticipation
When you refer to the Go Fly button, are you referring to the one inside the Update process? If so, just back out to the main menu and then click Fly Solo. It shouldn't prompt you to update again.

I think the reason it does this is because the 3DR Service update hasn't been pushed out yet. It's just a wild guess though but either way, I had the same problem and just ignored it after I knew my Solo was successfully updated. It works just fine.
When you refer to the Go Fly button, are you referring to the one inside the Update process? If so, just back out to the main menu and then click Fly Solo. It shouldn't prompt you to update again.

I think the reason it does this is because the 3DR Service update hasn't been pushed out yet. It's just a wild guess though but either way, I had the same problem and just ignored it after I knew my Solo was successfully updated. It works just fine.

Cheers bud, thought so. me thinks it was just that I got my drone the same week a major update was available. Spoke to a tech guy from 3DR earlier, an he pretty much said the same, so think I'll try my first flight tomorrow.
Thanks again for replying
Cheers bud, thought so. me thinks it was just that I got my drone the same week a major update was available. Spoke to a tech guy from 3DR earlier, an he pretty much said the same, so think I'll try my first flight tomorrow.
Thanks again for replying

No problem. I'm glad to help. Congrats on your new Solo and welcome to the community!

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