Hello from PA

Jan 29, 2017
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hey all, great forum, been on sidelines for awhile reading and absorbing any and all info drone and solo related. I am a 50 something year old male with RC experience from the 80's, I have a recently finished S500 build (2 year build, parts as I could afford) with naza v2 gps and I recently purchased a solo. Flown both separately and together. Gotta say, for quick flights, my go-to is the solo, reliable, predictable and rock steady in winds...no fly-sways, no crashes yet. Haven't flown it out of line of sight, still flying cautiously.
My hope this year is to slowly learn control and step up to an inspire once I feel comfortable being able to get the shots and video I see in my head...


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Welcome- that's quite a build!

How does it compare to Solo? Flight time, stability, range, etc.
Is there a camera on there?
Welcome- that's quite a build!

How does it compare to Solo? Flight time, stability, range, etc.
Is there a camera on there?
Maddog, thanks, it's comparable to solo, very stable flying, little less battery life but it is a bit heavier. In GPS mode it's like flying a rock, very predictable. Out of GPS it's a little sketchy, not unmanageable....the solo was about 1/4 the price and easier to learn with. All in all though, glad I built one first as it gave me a better understanding of the mechanics....also use the same GoPro 3+ black as the solo, but with the attached walkera G-2D axis gimbal - still need a ground monitor and flight camera(soon!!!)
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 3DRPilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for
current developments in 3DR quadcopter’s. If your new to RC aircraft be sure to read the manual a few times and watch lots of Youtube videos on the subject to give yourself a good start.
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