Has anyone boarded an airplane with their Solo?

I flew delta from Atlanta to Tampa two weeks ago. I had the official Solo backpack packed to the gills. Solo, 5 battery's, gopro, LK VK810 tablet, HP Folio ultrabook, chargers for everything. the only thing i removed for scanning was laptop. In both airports, no one even asked me to open the bag (I think because everything sits so snug in the backpack). One TSA guy behind the x ray machine made the comment "whoa, that looks expensive"

I just purchased the 3D solo Quadcopter along with back pack. I am in USA and i am leaving on 30 June 2017 to Pakistan. what is the best way to bring it with me. Is any issue of import or any thing that will create hurdle for me.
from the above discussion I found that I will use it as hand carry.
This doesn't sound sketchy not one bit...
I flew delta from Atlanta to Tampa two weeks ago. I had the official Solo backpack packed to the gills. Solo, 5 battery's, gopro, LK VK810 tablet, HP Folio ultrabook, chargers for everything. the only thing i removed for scanning was laptop. In both airports, no one even asked me to open the bag (I think because everything sits so snug in the backpack). One TSA guy behind the x ray machine made the comment "whoa, that looks expensive"

This doesn't sound sketchy not one bit...

A few weeks ago I flew from Orlando to Manchester UK with my Solo in a backpack complete with everything. I did not take anything at all out of the backpack and TSA never even questioned it at Orlando. It fitted perfectly into the over head stowage with out any issue. I left one battery on the Solo itself and my other three batteries I individually bubble wrap packed and then put then into a Lipo safe bag.

I just finished a trip to Seattle with the drone and batteries.

I skipped the 3dr backpack entirely. It's just too friggin big for what it can store. I had 1 checked bag, 1 carry-on, and 1 backpack. My checked bag had the drone. I unscrewed the legs so that they wouldn't get broken off. I placed the drone in a way (using clothes and other things) so that the gimbal didn't get damaged. My carry-on carried all 5 of my batteries and my controller, FPVLR antenna, my chargers, etc. My backpack carried my Surface Pro, my Kindle, my Bose headphones, and all my other gadgets. Each battery was put into its own ziplock bag.

No issues at all in security or with any damage to any drone parts in flight. fun trip.

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