Sorry to hear from another user that they didn't have a satisfactory first couple of flights and are turned off on the Solo. I've had a better experience so far, luckily.
I took my Solo to a soccer field. Winds were steady at about 10-15 mph which is more wind than I'd fly a manual copter in.
Takeoff went smoothly and the first thing I noticed was how tame the settings are out of the box. This is a good thing. It gave me a lot of confidence that I wasn't going to crash the thing. I totally forgot about the wind during the flights. The Solo handled the wind very well. The selfie mode worked smoothly, as did orbit. The cable cam is cool but wasn't smooth unless I flew slowly. The wind may have affected that.
I didn't fully test the range. I took it to 400 meters and came back without going out of range. It was easy to go out of range going straight up due to the nature of the antennas. I was able to get about 100 meters up before it returned home.
Return home worked great every time. It was easy to transition back into fly mode at any point.
The only two setting I adjusted were speed and altitude. I maxed out the speed and it was zippier, but I'm looking forward to testing out a full manual mode for getting top speeds.
I forgot to charge my GoPro up so I only got a few minutes with the video. A phone is a little small for FPV type flying, I'm thinking. It will be nice to get the tablet running for a better view.
I wasn't able to find the controls for the GoPro in the app. Anyone know anything about this?
Overall very pleased with my first flight. I sure hope it stays steady.
I took my Solo to a soccer field. Winds were steady at about 10-15 mph which is more wind than I'd fly a manual copter in.
Takeoff went smoothly and the first thing I noticed was how tame the settings are out of the box. This is a good thing. It gave me a lot of confidence that I wasn't going to crash the thing. I totally forgot about the wind during the flights. The Solo handled the wind very well. The selfie mode worked smoothly, as did orbit. The cable cam is cool but wasn't smooth unless I flew slowly. The wind may have affected that.
I didn't fully test the range. I took it to 400 meters and came back without going out of range. It was easy to go out of range going straight up due to the nature of the antennas. I was able to get about 100 meters up before it returned home.
Return home worked great every time. It was easy to transition back into fly mode at any point.
The only two setting I adjusted were speed and altitude. I maxed out the speed and it was zippier, but I'm looking forward to testing out a full manual mode for getting top speeds.
I forgot to charge my GoPro up so I only got a few minutes with the video. A phone is a little small for FPV type flying, I'm thinking. It will be nice to get the tablet running for a better view.
I wasn't able to find the controls for the GoPro in the app. Anyone know anything about this?
Overall very pleased with my first flight. I sure hope it stays steady.