gopro studio terrible

Aug 1, 2015
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Why, can someone tell me, is gopro studio such a pain to install and run on windows 10. I downloaded the older version of quicktimes as recommended then gopro studio. The program pullos up but will not do anything, message"not responding" . Uninstalled , installed nothing. I had this problem several a few months ago and just quit. It seems if 3dr pushed Gopro they would have an interest in it working for windows 10 users by now. Very frustrated.
Why, can someone tell me, is gopro studio such a pain to install and run on windows 10. I downloaded the older version of quicktimes as recommended then gopro studio. The program pullos up but will not do anything, message"not responding" . Uninstalled , installed nothing. I had this problem several a few months ago and just quit. It seems if 3dr pushed Gopro they would have an interest in it working for windows 10 users by now. Very frustrated.
Maybe ask GoPro support...
3DR has nothing to do with gopro software working on windows 10
BTW I run it on two computers running windows 10 and one on windows 7
works just fine
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I share your frustration. I've not been able to get GoPro Studio to do ANYTHING on any of my Windows 10 systems. Add footage, click convert and nothing happens. And nothing continues to happen for as long as I wait. I've searched GoPro forums and it seems some people run into the same issue, while others have no issues at all, and no one seems to be able to pinpoint the source of the problem.

But as was said, that's really on GoPro, not 3DR.
just by chance are you guys moving the files to your local hard drive?
the only times I have had the kind of issues you are talking about is when I tried working off the SD card
Nope, I've never tried working off the SD card, always copy to a local drive and edit from there. I mostly edit in Premiere or After Effects, so I'd only use GP Studio to convert frame rates, remove fisheye, etc. So I import clips, add them to the conversion list and click convert. It'll create an AVI file of a few megs and just sit there forever.

I can check my task manager, and GP studio is using 0.0 to 0.1% processor usage. I have hundreds of gigs free on the drive, 32 gigs of ram and dual 10 core Xeons, so hardware isn't an issue. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times. At this point, I've just given up.
Nope, I've never tried working off the SD card, always copy to a local drive and edit from there. I mostly edit in Premiere or After Effects, so I'd only use GP Studio to convert frame rates, remove fisheye, etc. So I import clips, add them to the conversion list and click convert. It'll create an AVI file of a few megs and just sit there forever.

I can check my task manager, and GP studio is using 0.0 to 0.1% processor usage. I have hundreds of gigs free on the drive, 32 gigs of ram and dual 10 core Xeons, so hardware isn't an issue. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times. At this point, I've just given up.
Just bypass GoPro Studio. Import directly into AE or PP and do your fisheye correction there.

(100s of gigs of harddrive space isn't going to be enough for very long, consider an external RAID)
Just bypass GoPro Studio. Import directly into AE or PP and do your fisheye correction there.

Yea, that's what I do, I just wondered if GP Studio might be a little faster. Certain things in AE and Premiere aren't multi-threaded so they don't make any use of most of my processors.

(100s of gigs of harddrive space isn't going to be enough for very long, consider an external RAID)

Yea, I have a NAS with about 5TB, a 480 gig SSD for a system/working drive, and then a 3TB hard drive. I was just saying that system resources isn't a cause of the problem. But like I said, I've just given up on trying to get the software to work.
Finally got mine working with the clean win 10 install, I'm pretty sure it actually had as much to do with QuickTime as studio itself. Can't say for sure though since it kinda fixed itself. Win 10 wouldn't recognize my camera or even open studio at all after upgrading, since then though it's been perfect no crashing or issues at all. It's an issue between win 10 and GoPro though, nothing 3dr can really do. I did the same as most folks here and gave up until other issues made me want to clean install win 10. Actually I had a bunch of driver issues and other bugs that have mostly been sorted by this too since reinstalling.
Oh no here we go again. Just leave it go folks we've had the Mac vs PC showdown enough, it's as played out as the p3 vs Solo threads. Lmfao

Welcome to the site Blu!
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Oh no here we go again. Just leave it go folks we've had the Mac vs PC showdown enough, it's as played out as the p3 vs Solo threads. Lmfao

Welcome to the site Blu!
The Solo vs P3 wars is nothing. Mac vs PC is basically the grand daddy of all fan boi tech wars.
No doubt it's always one of em be it p3/solo Mac/pc PlayStation/Xbox android/iOS and as you know the list goes forever. I'm just glad I'm always on the side that's right.
I like my PC, and Mac/iOS, and Android, and Linux boxes. They all have their strong points or they wouldn't exist. Same with anything else. There is no perfect solution for anything, and if one comes along it doesn't last long until some technology changes and then something else is "more perfect"...til the next "more perfect" thing comes along lol.
I like my PC, and Mac/iOS, and Android, and Linux boxes. They all have their strong points or they wouldn't exist. Same with anything else. There is no perfect solution for anything, and if one comes along it doesn't last long until some technology changes and then something else is "more perfect"...til the next "more perfect" thing comes along lol.
I agree with PdxSteve, last summer I contacted GoPro stating their Studio worked terrible on both my Win10 and Macbook Pro. They at least humored me and had me send some files from both systems.
Days later, they had me do some "tweaks" but it made no difference. I removed Studio then and there on both systems. I haven't missed it or the frustration since. Shortly after I upgraded to the PP 3.97 lens and Final Cut Pro with no issues and I've been stress free.

I will not be trying any new software from GoPro again.

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