Hey folks,
I don't have more than three hours on my back up Solo (the first one is being repaired), and I just started trying to film with it. After reviewing my footage I noticed that in any slight wind, there is a pretty major vibration from the gimbal. I included a link to a Youtube video where you can see the vibration at the beginning and again at the end. Is this a normal amount of vibration? My other Solo seemed to record video just fine in the same amount of wind.
I balanced my props prior to this flight. I read about the cables and checked that both were connected well and not touching anything. I also understand that replacing the cables will help, but in the videos I have seen from others, there doesn't seem to be a vibration like what I am seeing. I will be replacing the cables when I get more familiar and comfortable with working on the Solo. (Very new to RC)
When I test the Solo and hand hold it and lean it to the right, the gimbal motor gets pretty loud and shudders the whole bird and often keeps working when I lean the Solo back to level. Is this normal to have this happen on one side?
Also, It's a little hard to tell from this footage, but most of my video is not straight. I have done a stick calibration to help clear this up. I have also attached a photo of my gimbal at rest and you can see how much tilt there is. Does this look normal? I understand this is supposed to correct when actually flying, but as my footage is always tilted, something else is up. Is there any other troubleshooting or calibration I should be doing?
The video is 1080p at 60fps. Stock lens.
Thanks in advance for your advice.