Gimbal Seizures

Jul 3, 2015
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Atlanta, GA
No complaints here ... Just another wonderment.

My gimbal performs well, however occasional the gimbal will cock to one side abruptly. The first few times it happened it seemed more like the wind pushing Solo and a delay in compensating.

I had Solo overhead and the FPV cocked to one side .. I though I heard the gimbal making a noise. A few seconds and the condition corrected itself.

My videos are great and I end up cutting the glitches and moving on.

Anyone from 3DR on the air that can offer some insight?
Could be that it needs to be balanced before take off. Check and see if it hangs level before turning on solo and gimbal. If it is not bslanced, add a small coin to one side.
Could be that it needs to be balanced before take off. Check and see if it hangs level before turning on solo and gimbal. If it is not bslanced, add a small coin to one side.

I'm using a GoPro 4 Black and it seems to hang pretty level prior to startup.

I removed the battery tray for install and I am
satisfied with the wire routing ... The gimbal floats freely and nothing making contact on the motor. The video quality is outstanding except for this intermittent condition that comes and goes pretty quickly
I've had the same thing. I've checked the wiring, powered on facing north, and ensured my gimbal is balanced but still get these seizures. At this point I'm fairly certain it's a software issue and I'm hoping the next update fixes it.
The reason they go limp is the controller sees an "over current" and resets. I think the software update may make this check looser. I will tell you though that both mine did it at first, and I fixed both. I opened up the solo, and tugged on the control/ video wires to see how they were tugging on the gimbal. I then moved them to bathe least effect and pinned them with gorilla tape. In the case of the video, to the top/front underside lip. In the case of the control, I formed it to sit at the connector when unplugged.

Since then zero problems on over 20 batteries each.
Mine does that also but stays in that position until power off and then returns to perfect balance. And yeas, I have spent an inordinate amount of time making sure the cables have no interference whatsoever. The "overcurrent" theory seems to be the one support likes best. Had one good flight, then fail. 3DR issuing a refund, getting a new one from Best Buy (this will be the 3rd but not for the same reason). Was told update will fix the cocking and drooping (did I say that?) but is a "few weeks away". Hard to say whats going on but very, very strange that some people have flawless behavior while others have continual issues and we all are on the same software rev.
Hard to say whats going on but very, very strange that some people have flawless behavior while others have continual issues and we all are on the same software rev.
. The software could help it be less sensitive (it is out today BTW) but I still say it is being taxed in some way. I really wish there was a handy way to power the Solo with the battery tray out so you could see it, as I think that would answer a lot of issues. I also know people say they have looked at it several times, but I bet I could make 99% work, by doing what I did. The key is the wires pulling on the gimbal. Not just rubbing on the motor (which will cause it in an instant) but tugging on it. The only other thing I have seen is a variant of this where the GoPro is out of balance for some reason. That can be caused by aftermarket batteries, lenses, added filters etc. that problem can be solved by balancing the gimbal so that with everything connected the gimbal sits straight and level with the power off. I just balanced one that has a hood and two filters on it it works well.

My 2 cents :)
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Updated. Same thing. Clearly a failed gimbal. Guess I'm OK with that. Easy fix.
. The software could help it be less sensitive (it is out today BTW) but I still say it is being taxed in some way. I really wish there was a handy way to power the Solo with the battery tray out so you could see it, as I think that would answer a lot of issues. I also know people say they have looked at it several times, but o bet I Capulano make 99% work, but doing what I did. The key is the wires pulling on the gimbal. Not just rubbing on the motor (which will cause it in an instant) but tugging on it. The only other thing I have seen is a variant of this where the GoPro is out of balance for some reason. That can be caused by aftermarket batteries, lenses, added filters etc. that problem can be solved by balancing the gimbal so that with everything connected the gimbal sits straight and level with the power off. I just balanced one that has a hood and two filters on it it works well.

My 2 cents :)
I took the battery tray out of mine, leaving it connected. I then carefully plugged the battery into the connector and it worked fine!
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