FRYS and gimbal????

Jun 20, 2015
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SF Bay Area
FYI.............................Bay area Frys stores show Solo and batteries as unavailable, but shows a shipping date of July 17th for the gimbal.
I think they're basing that on the previous release date.
FYI.............................Bay area Frys stores show Solo and batteries as unavailable, but shows a shipping date of July 17th for the gimbal.
I ordered Solo last week @ Fry's in So. Cal . Sales guy said they would receive shipment in 1 to 2 weeks. No word on gimbal though? I'm going to store next week to check order and I'll ask about gimbal update. I"ll have them search all stores in So. Cal.
Just saw that Fry's in Tempe AZ have stock on the gimbal. Don't know how many.
someone on the FB group reserved one for in store pickup. I wish BB would get the darn things already.
Just called a local BB with kiosk with plenty of other inventory (No gimbal) and there is no info on release date to stores. I am more than ready.
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Just called a local BB with kiosk with plenty of inventory otherwise and there is no info on release date to stores. I am more than ready.

You mean BB has them, but they haven't been distributed to stores yet? I'll order for home delivery if they make it available.
You mean BB has them, but they haven't been distributed to stores yet? I'll order for home delivery if they make it available.
No, not what I meant...will change post to say they have NO Gimbal inventory and NO release date for same.....
No, not what I meant...will change post to say they have NO Gimbal inventory and NO release date for same.....

Oh well. I'll hold out a bit longer but may just end up order direct from 3DR eventually. I know they've been saying mid September for BB and that's next week.
Ok. the guy that ordered one from the Tempe store got a call that they didn't have them. Guess they decided to screw with us today.
Placed an order for a gimbal last week from
Said it would ship by 9/14 delivery before 9/21.
We'll see if it holds true!

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For what it's worth:

This past Sunday I went to the Frys in Phoenix, AZ. I spoke to the store manager who said they have no idea when they (all of Frys) will receive gimbals.
just called about my order (placed 9/4).

they noted first shipment of four (4) gimbals came in yesterday 9/15 from an order placed originally in May.

orders subsequently placed in June, July, etc haven't arrived yet. orders were in small quantities (four, four, eight, etc).

guess it pays to pre-order early...not sure when it'll get to my order.

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