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Dec 17, 2015
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Allegan County Michigan
Hello everyone. Anxiously awaiting arrival of my solo...ordered from solo on cyber monday ($100 off) per suggestion from an order taker at solo store a couple weeks earlier. Ironic, I researched and worried for what seemed like a year before finally deciding to pull the trigger, then he suggested I wait a while, there may be a special deal coming up. Well he was right. It is in transit should arrive 12/22 according to fed ex tracking. I already have received the hero 4 black, and my gpc hard case. I ordered two extra sets of props, and three extra batteries.

I have read the manual front to back, mostly makes sense, probably will make more sense as I go along. I am calling this my first real drone, just toys prior to this big purchase!

Last item I need to purchase is a tablet and I can't decide what to get. Initially I will use my iphone to get started, but I envision a larger dedicated device to keep with the copter in the case. Opinions? Ios or android?

Also A while back I read about a mod where you dis assemble part way and add a spacer to keep the satelite antenna isolated from another component for better/quicker satelite lock, how will I know if I need to do that or not.

Last question. On this forum, I read about balancing props, is that something I should do initially while I'm waiting for spring? Thanks in advance! K Hodel
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 3DR Pilots forum. I hope that you will take advantage of the benefits that come with membership and that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in 3DR UAV’s.

You will have good luck using it the way it arrives. If you feel it needs mods after you become familiar with it then take that step. OEM props typically are good to go but as with anything, less vibrations are better so it is worth checking if you have the proper balancer. And why wait till spring? Get out there and capture some winter scenes too! There are some additional things to think about when flying in cold weather but it is totally doable. I have filmed a frozen waterfall in sub zero temperatures with no problems.

Enjoy your new SOLO, you are gonna love it! ;)
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Welcome fellow humanoid!

I use both an iPad mini 3 and a Google Nexus 7.
I already had the iPad and the only complaint I have about it is the screen is difficult to see on sunny days. Even with a sunshade and film to remove the glare it's just not bright enough for me.

I bought the Nexus on Amazon for about $140 so I could run the Tower ground control app. I discovered the screen is brighter and much clearer than the iPad. I also like that it has voice alerts for battery status, GPS status, etc.

Right now I'm using the Nexus for all flights.

If you have trouble acquiring enough satellites to take off in about a minute, you might consider the GPS mod. For the most part it just speeds things up.

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