FIRST FLIGHT/ Go Pro question

Jul 7, 2015
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I received my Solo just yesterday and was able to get it out today and have some fun with her. It was AMAZING...Well worth the wait. I did have a small issue, I was unable to view the video on my device. The feed from the go pro three never streamed. I was curious if anyone had this problem and if so how they corrected it. It was hooked up, wireless settings off, all advice was followed from Solo...Otherwise had a blast, cant wait to get her back in the air
This has been covered in multiple threads. Try this:

1) Turn everything off.
2) Turned on Solo.
3) Turned on the controller.
4) Turned on iPad and connected to Solo WiFi.
5) Opened the app (I have an iPad 2 mini - no cellular, just wifi) and left it at the screen that says "Fly" and "Flight School".
6) Plugged in the GoPro4.
7) Turned on the GoPro4 (make sure it's in Video Mode).
8) Hit Fly and the live feed was there.
9) Hit record on the GoPro if you want to record your flight.

P.S - Be sure that your Solo app setting is on "Save Videos to Camera Roll"
Thank you so much for your quick answer DodgeP I truly appreciate it. I am new to the forum and was unable to find such a clear answer as the one you provided. You figured out the problem...I must have turned off "save videos to camera Roll" That was an easy fix!!! Thanks so much!!
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The plug into the Gopro SEEMS like it goes all the way in, but then you push a LITTLE bit more and then it's really popped in there. Might check that first.

Ryan G
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