Does the Solo w/gimbal also come with the fixed camera mount? And other fixed mount alternatives?

Jan 26, 2016
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Hi folks...

Got my Solo the other day...I didn't see the fixed camera mount in the box (I'd like to use it to mount a Ricoh GR, Canon S100 or similar).

Was that fixed mount supposed to be included?



P.S. If I have to buy one, are there any alternatives to the 3DR-specific mount that might be better in some way?

I've been looking at this website...some neat alternatives: 3DR Solo UAV

If you didn't get a Solo with the gimbal pre-installed, the fixed mount (largely for GoPro) is already on the Solo. My one Solo with pre-installed gimbal didn't seem to include the fixed mount.
Yes the fixed mount for the gopro is included. It's for when you don't want to fly with the gimbal, or don't have one. You'll get pretty shaky video without the stabilized gimbal though.

Ian's site that you linked to is probably the best to find alternatives. He's made mounts for several other cameras.
OK....that's 1 vote that say yes, and 1 vote that says no. :)

And Ian....I am talking just for stills, not video.
OK....that's 1 vote that say yes, and 1 vote that says no. :).
Like pulling teeth for info, but I'm taking it that your gimbal was preinstalled? I did not find a fixed mount in my Amazon pre-installed gimbal kit.

Yes, my gimbal was pre-installed.



Yes, my gimbal was pre-installed.

Well then... we'll have to ask Steve where the fixed mount is hidden in that case. You couldn'the find one and I couldn't find one...
Well then... we'll have to ask Steve where the fixed mount is hidden in that case. You couldn'the find one and I couldn't find one...
When I replied (same time as you) it wasn't stated whether he had the gimbal preinstalled. Mine wasn't preinstalled, and mine came with a mount. Now I'm glad I didn't get the preinstalled gimbal. The gimbal wasn't even available yet when I bought mine so I didn't have the choice.
When I replied (same time as you) it wasn't stated whether he had the gimbal preinstalled. Mine wasn't preinstalled, and mine came with a mount. Now I'm glad I didn't get the preinstalled gimbal. The gimbal wasn't even available yet when I bought mine so I didn't have the choice.
As I said... complete info is like pulling teeth sometimes. But I thought of it because I now have 3 Solos; 2 uninstalled, gimbal 1 pre-installed. I am actually using one fixed mount for my Dual Hero 3D system. Not much choice.
Could have used it with your new venture!
Nah. What I'm planning will need the gimbal still. Putting a servo "object" release mechanism in the accessory bay. Need the gimbal camera to verify I'm actually over the target.

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