Crashed, thankfully into snow

Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
I have also contacted 3DR support with the following info, but while waiting for a response I'll put it out here to see if anyone has any suggestions.
Yesterday I was flying one of my Solos. The first flight went well. As I was setting up for another shot in the very snowy area the following happened: I put Solo on the ground and stepped back. The controller showed "motion detected" although it was sitting on solid level ground with no motion. I pushed the "A" button as instructed to continue. As I throttled up, Solo immediately veered hard and fast to the right crashing into (fortunately) a soft snow berm. I was not willing to chance that happening again, so I took it home to another place with a lot of room and deep snow berms surrounding it. After verifying all systems, updates, and everything else looked good, I wanted to do a short, simple power-up to see if the problem had been corrected. The controller again showed "motion detected". Again I selected the "A" button, and throttled up. This time Solo immediately jumped up about I foot and flipped over and crashed upside down, shattering one of the props. Due to the snow, there was no other damage.
I have no idea what made that happen, and now I don't know if I can ever trust it again to fly.
Why are you trying to fly it after getting an error message (motion detected)? Something is obvious wrong with it. You need to send a crash report to 3DR if your contact of 3DR Support didn't include sending them a crash report via the app. Perhaps doing a leveling and compass calibration will help. Try doing those calibrations and see if the motion detected error is resolved. There are step by step instructions in the app to lead you through the calibrations and they are also outlined in the manual.
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p2p is going to slam u ;) but before he does i to think it is silly to fly if there is an error unless u want to take off from a boat or something. i flew in the snow and there are several things to check such as letting the drone acclimate. u are operating the drone outside the approve temp settings so you have to expect problems and troubleshoot. the manual not the manual button is your friend. it states under 30 degrees you are outside the range.

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