Bahama's now regulating flight

I wonder what the certificate costs for a tourist wanting to bring their UAV with them to the Bahamas? I am sure there is quite a few people with UAV's wanting to take them there.
I'm heading there next week so .... I find nothing on their web sites; no info, no forms, no mention. As per the Bahama news articles of who is responsible to give you a certificate I called the Bahamas Civil Aviation Department and had a hand cover the phone to hear the guy say "I have an inquiry on a drone thingy, anyone know what he is asking about?". That got me transferred to a woman who did not know as well what I was asking about. "I think that's customs" she told me. She took my email address and said she would give it to the 'Acting Director Inspectorate'. I googled and found his email ([email protected]) and sent him an note on Tuesday. As of today I have not heard anything back. I am curious if customs even knows about this new regulation so I'm debating to bring my Solo. I'm ok paying duty on it since i'll get it back when I take my solo back home (after filling out a form). My concern is if they ban it will they lock it up and hold it until I come back home. Of course i'm not finding anything on the customs web site.
I have spent a LOT of time in the Bahamas and if there was ever a place that the left hand doesn't know...yada yada,,it's there. Depending on where you go you will be treated as an unwanted but necessary evil to pleasant tolerance,,,depending on how much $$$ you are spending. And, depending upon how little or how much knowledge the customs agents have will most likely determine whether your SOLO will be traveling with you,,,or not. If you really want to try it, see if you can get a real copy of the Guardian article to take with you. I glanced at the new regs and as I remember it's the Civil Aviation Board that you have to register with. And do it well in advance,,nothing moves quickly in the Bahamas,,,especially government and forms. My advice,,,unless you can secure a genuine government form with a signature of authority to take with you,,leave it at home. And,,DO NOT think waving a $20 bill at a Customs agent will get you through. It most likely will get you a free one way trip to Nassau,,and believe me,,you wont like the accomodations!! Good luck.
Or just scratch the bahamas off your travel list
its not the only wonderful destination in the Caribbean
Ha, love and I appreciate the feedback. We're hitting Eleuthera (3rd year in a row) to snorkel, hike, run, drink, eat and drink some more with a few cigars thrown in. It's the 3rd world with great empty beaches and two nice restaurants so it does the trick for us & friends at their home. As my friend says, they do not sail they day they weigh anchor. I've not heard back from the Civil Aviation department and I doubt I will. As much as I would love to bring it with me it'll be staying home this trip. Bummed as knowing the Island there are some awesome shots to be had.
PS - I read through the document for drones they generated and no shockers in it. All I need is whatever the damn form is and I guess 6 months notice to the Bahamian government.
That really does suck.
Bahamas were on my list to visit.
Sounds like you have wonderful memories there, it is a shame paranoia and idiots spoiling the fun will keep you from shooting it from the air

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