Autonomous Mode In Solo iPad/iPhone APP

Mar 14, 2016
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Greensboro, NC
Does anyone know why 3DR doesn't provide an autonomous feature in the standard Solo App?
I know this can be had if you use Tower but it only works on a Android tablet or phone.
Thanks for the tip Eric but I'm concerned that using a 3rd party software may become a warranty issue if something were to break while using anything other that the Solo App.

It would be nice if 3DR would add pre-planning to multi-point Cable Cam so you wouldn't have to waste battery power to set up a flight.
Thanks for the tip Eric but I'm concerned that using a 3rd party software may become a warranty issue if something were to break while using anything other that the Solo App.

It would be nice if 3DR would add pre-planning to multi-point Cable Cam so you wouldn't have to waste battery power to set up a flight.
The strong point of MPCC is the gimbal control and maintaining a repeatable camera framing. If you are just going to put in WPs beforehand, how will frame the shot precisely? Mavpilot and Tower will allow you to use WPs to plan a mission before flight, and select a POI if that is all you need.

As far as warranty, mav pilot nor tower will void the warranty on it's face. But if you change a parameter and that specific change is the result of the crash, that may not be covered. But if something fails, like a motor or other component, you would still be covered as the failure is not specific to the flight mode you were in or SW you were using at the time.
@Jubalr If I were using it for a cinema type shot then that would be important but I want to use it for surveying and the camera would be pointing down at all times.
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You can use the softwares in conjunction with one another. Initailize GPS on Solo on the ground, enter Mav Pilot, create mission, upload mission. Quit Mav Pilot.
Start Solo App, take off, orient camera straight down.

Start Mav Pilot, execute uploaded mission.
@Jubair If I were using it for a cinema type shot then that would be important but I want to use it for surveying and the camera would be pointing down at all times.

No problem, you didn't mention that in your post. I do surveying as well and recommend Tower for that application. If you are on iOS at this time, it is worth the $150 or so to dedicate an android tablet for that use and is what many iOS users on here have done. The power and flexibility of Tower is well worth it.
@Jubalr - I have come to that conclusion and I now need to decide what tablet to get. I want on that's about the same size as the iPad mini and has built in GPS. Any recommendations?

@Eric Sheehan based on your video, MAV PILOT's jumping at each waypoint wouldn't be acceptable.
@Jubalr - I have come to that conclusion and I now need to decide what tablet to get. I want on that's about the same size as the iPad mini and has built in GPS. Any recommendations?

@Eric Sheehan based on your video, MAV PILOT's jumping at each waypoint wouldn't be acceptable.
Myself and many on here use the 2013 version of Nexus 7. It's a pure andorid with no manufacturer's skin on the OS. Tower and Solo App work great. I leave it dedicated to the Solo only and don't install any unnecessary apps on it. It also has one of the brighter screens.
I hated to change from the iPad mini to an Android tablet because the iPad App worked flawlessly but I was at Costco yesterday and they had the Samsung Tab 8" on sale for $150 so I picked up one:

Costco Wholesale

Wish I could have used the money to get another battery but if this solves the issue - for me - then I'm happy.

Not a "pure" Android tablet like the Nexus 7 but after downloading the Solo, Tower, and Solo Service apps all appears to be working OK. I did have to power cycle the Samsung Tab after the Apps were install to get it to work correctly. Updated the Solo firmware and will give it a test flight this afternoon at a VERY large field with the Marco Polo installed - just in case........

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