Another motor pod failure.... and so many more issues.... Gimbal, Solo App, GoPro...

How odd- I have the same Nexus 7, but I've never been able to get the GoPro feed to record. The slider is "ON" but nothing ever records.

Sorry and happy to hear I'm not alone... I wonder what could be causing this. Maybe you are using a different version of Android.
Nexus 6 & Galaxy Tab 4 7" Recording works, But i don't use it. Turn it off.
Can't wait for MPCC, Then it's going to be a killer App.
Go 3DR!
Ya, me too, MPCC will be awesome.

Man I wish I had an idea of what could make a difference from Android device to Android device..
Sorry and happy to hear I'm not alone... I wonder what could be causing this. Maybe you are using a different version of Android.
I'm running 5.0.2 which was on it when I bought it. Everything works fine (mostly) so I'm not updating the OS.o_O
I'm running 5.0.2 which was on it when I bought it. Everything works fine (mostly) so I'm not updating the OS.o_O
Hey MD, I thought you were going to update? I always update the OS anytime it's available. I am running 6.01 now on my Nexus 7 (2013) and everything is working great, including camera roll. Maybe if you updated, you could remove the (mostly).:)
6.0.1 rocks on mine, Jublar do you shoot wide?
on the camera roll wide Is stretched on my 9
6.0.1 rocks on mine, Jublar do you shoot wide?
on the camera roll wide Is stretched on my 9
Yes, I have the Peau 4.35 so am able to shoot wide as needed. Haven't had much use for the camera roll off the tablet, I don't see the need.
Just to pipe in this heated thread.... My camera roll for Samsung Galaxy s4 works, but it makes the video choppy and often disconnects the app. I dont like the camera roll feature anyways video sucks. It would be good for tutorials and such but meah. not useful to me, That's why I just keep the Camera roll feature OFF! less processing for my phone to do.

Also if your in Canada, as I am in the Canadian mid west, it sometimes gets very cold (Solo warranty only covers 0c to +45c). Ensure Solo is acclimatized to the temperature before take off... your barometer is used to adjust altitude, if you take it from the warm to the cold and fly right away your for sure asking for a crash.

Hey MD, I thought you were going to update? I always update the OS anytime it's available. I am running 6.01 now on my Nexus 7 (2013) and everything is working great, including camera roll. Maybe if you updated, you could remove the (mostly).:)
I changed my mind after reading posts from people who had bad things happen after updating like bricking, etc.

If there's a way to go back if the update doesn't work I'd be interested.
Just to pipe in this heated thread.... My camera roll for Samsung Galaxy s4 works, but it makes the video choppy and often disconnects the app. I dont like the camera roll feature anyways video sucks. It would be good for tutorials and such but meah. not useful to me, That's why I just keep the Camera roll feature OFF! less processing for my phone to do.

Also if your in Canada, as I am in the Canadian mid west, it sometimes gets very cold (Solo warranty only covers 0c to +45c). Ensure Solo is acclimatized to the temperature before take off... your barometer is used to adjust altitude, if you take it from the warm to the cold and fly right away your for sure asking for a crash.


Thanks for the info, duly noted!
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I changed my mind after reading posts from people who had bad things happen after updating like bricking, etc.

If there's a way to go back if the update doesn't work I'd be interested.

I don't mean to butt in, but if you are comfortable with manually flashing your device and provided you are able to find a legitimate original copy of your device's ROM BEFORE you update, then you can revert back. You may be able to create a copy of your ROM from your device.

I have done this many times with my Xperia Z2, but it is of course not without it's risks...

Android Forum for Mobile Phones, Tablets, Watches & Android App Development - XDA Forums ------- Those guys can help if you decide to look into that route.

Just my 2 cents. :)
I don't mean to butt in, but if you are comfortable with manually flashing your device and provided you are able to find a legitimate original copy of your device's ROM BEFORE you update, then you can revert back. You may be able to create a copy of your ROM from your device.

I have done this many times with my Xperia Z2, but it is of course not without it's risks...

Android Forum for Mobile Phones, Tablets, Watches & Android App Development - XDA Forums ------- Those guys can help if you decide to look into that route.

Just my 2 cents. :)
Thanks Andrew- I'll keep that in mind.
How odd- I have the same Nexus 7, but I've never been able to get the GoPro feed to record. The slider is "ON" but nothing ever records.

I know this may not make any sense at all, but try switching your GP from NTSC to PAL. I experienced the same exact issue with my Android based tablet. The camera functions worked perfectly off of any iOS based device. When I would run the app off of an android based tablet (LG), it would not control the GP (Hero 4 Silver). Pressing the tilt button on the remote would set my record on/off, so I knew the issue was isolated to the android based application.. Last night, out of the blue I thought I would switch the settings on the camera from NTSC to PAL. Would you know it, all of a sudden on the camera functions work using the app on my android tablet. Switch it back to NTSC, they stop working. Don't ask me how or why, not a software guy or engineer. However, that was my experience and it works for me.

Also, my #4 pod motor is louder than the rest of my motors. Currently waiting on 3DR to provide a resolution on that issue for me.
Ok, I need to blow off steam. I think I must be cursed.

1. Gimbal never centered straight ahead since purchase - (3DR told me in writing that it should)
2. Gimbal was also never perfectly level.
3. Repeated random camera control loss, some corrupted files. Does not happen when the GPH4B is not in Solo.
4. Solo app repeatedly and randomly disconnecting from Solo "Solo app disconnected" error.
5. Camera Roll function on Android worked ONCE out of about a dozen flights. 3DR told me in writing this function works on Android
6. Finally yesterday I was given the gift of a failed #1 motor pod at lift off and subsequent violent flip.

I had done level and compass calibrations that per the controller and mobile device were successful.

I am currently begging 3DR to take back both my gimbal and Solo for replacement with new units. They did say they would RMA the gimbal but were not clear if they would be providing a new one or refferbing...

Frankly I don't want refurbished anything! This is a total investment past the $2800.00 mark Canadian funds with my Gopro in there....

Anyways, to say I am disappointed is an understatement... well... RANT OVER..

I hope they come through, this is a lot of money.

I think the problem with Solo is inconsistency in production and components. Some people here report that they have had flawless operation since day one. Others - different story altogether. I'm in the same boat as you. My first Solo was problematic in many ways, including a defective controller that needed to be returned for replacement. The problems, combined with the ridiculous gimbal launch delays caused me to return it for a refund. After the gimbal became available I decided to give 3DR a second chance and re-ordered. Solo #2 had massive shake problems which I couldn't resolve with prop balancing and multiple calls to tech support. So Solo #2 went back by RMA. It was returned after 5 weeks refurbished and with more stable flight but a badly malfunctioning gimbal. So the gimbal went back on RMA and was replaced. Now with the new gimbal flight and gimbal are stable but I am having frequent problems with losing wifi multiple times during every flight with the controller powering itself off and Solo executing RTH. Also one or more motors are developing a very different sound which makes me suspect I am in line to be one of the next motor failure victims.

So, long story short, you are not alone. Am I also disappointed? Of course. Am I pissed? Not really. I partially blame myself for being sucked in by the slick marketing. And I have learned a few valuable lessons. I will never again be an early adopter of any new technology which is just an idea at the time pre-orders are being taken. And when one manufacturer dominates the market for a tech product it's probably best to stick with them.

I do agree with all those saying that 3DR customer support is excellent. They always have stepped up for me and repaired or replaced whatever was not working. The problem is that only goes so far when the product itself is continually plagued with ongoing issues and the replacements of replacements also have problems.

Some members of this group take it personally for some reason when you post about your problems. I have experienced that the same as you. I don't really get it. I'm really happy for those who haven't had a single problem. I'm not sure why they get offended that you and I and others have had lots of problems and are looking for answers. But there are also lots of great participants here who will offer help and suggestions.

So the bottom line is, I haven't given up on Solo yet. I have too much invested into it in time and $$$ to let go now. But I am becoming less optimistic.

I haven't flown yet on the 2.0 FW. I'm hoping it will fix all of my issues and it will be rainbows and unicorns from here on out ;)
I think the problem with Solo is inconsistency in production and components. Some people here report that they have had flawless operation since day one. Others - different story altogether. I'm in the same boat as you. My first Solo was problematic in many ways, including a defective controller that needed to be returned for replacement. The problems, combined with the ridiculous gimbal launch delays caused me to return it for a refund. After the gimbal became available I decided to give 3DR a second chance and re-ordered. Solo #2 had massive shake problems which I couldn't resolve with prop balancing and multiple calls to tech support. So Solo #2 went back by RMA. It was returned after 5 weeks refurbished and with more stable flight but a badly malfunctioning gimbal. So the gimbal went back on RMA and was replaced. Now with the new gimbal flight and gimbal are stable but I am having frequent problems with losing wifi multiple times during every flight with the controller powering itself off and Solo executing RTH. Also one or more motors are developing a very different sound which makes me suspect I am in line to be one of the next motor failure victims.

So, long story short, you are not alone. Am I also disappointed? Of course. Am I pissed? Not really. I partially blame myself for being sucked in by the slick marketing. And I have learned a few valuable lessons. I will never again be an early adopter of any new technology which is just an idea at the time pre-orders are being taken. And when one manufacturer dominates the market for a tech product it's probably best to stick with them.

I do agree with all those saying that 3DR customer support is excellent. They always have stepped up for me and repaired or replaced whatever was not working. The problem is that only goes so far when the product itself is continually plagued with ongoing issues and the replacements of replacements also have problems.

Some members of this group take it personally for some reason when you post about your problems. I have experienced that the same as you. I don't really get it. I'm really happy for those who haven't had a single problem. I'm not sure why they get offended that you and I and others have had lots of problems and are looking for answers. But there are also lots of great participants here who will offer help and suggestions.

So the bottom line is, I haven't given up on Solo yet. I have too much invested into it in time and $$$ to let go now. But I am becoming less optimistic.

I haven't flown yet on the 2.0 FW. I'm hoping it will fix all of my issues and it will be rainbows and unicorns from here on out ;)
Thank you Jon. I think 3DR has a great product and frankly am desperate for everything to work properly as it's just plain awesome. Also, unicorns and rainbows are friken' awesome - We need some!
I know this may not make any sense at all, but try switching your GP from NTSC to PAL. I experienced the same exact issue with my Android based tablet. The camera functions worked perfectly off of any iOS based device. When I would run the app off of an android based tablet (LG), it would not control the GP (Hero 4 Silver). Pressing the tilt button on the remote would set my record on/off, so I knew the issue was isolated to the android based application.. Last night, out of the blue I thought I would switch the settings on the camera from NTSC to PAL. Would you know it, all of a sudden on the camera functions work using the app on my android tablet. Switch it back to NTSC, they stop working. Don't ask me how or why, not a software guy or engineer. However, that was my experience and it works for me.

Also, my #4 pod motor is louder than the rest of my motors. Currently waiting on 3DR to provide a resolution on that issue for me.
Very interesting! I must try that. If we record in PAL however, does that not cause issues for playback on North American devices. Perhaps I can encode back over to NTSC during post.
Pyrate must work for 3DR....maybe you've been the luckiest solo owner around not having any issues with the hardware or the software. Maybe read a little and see how many simular issues many solo owners are having. When someone spends the amount of money they do for something, it better work as advertised. If not, the costomer has every right to complain as he or she feel they should. Quit being a dick.
Very interesting! I must try that. If we record in PAL however, does that not cause issues for playback on North American devices. Perhaps I can encode back over to NTSC during post.

Nope. didn't for me. Recording is digital file anyway, so don't think it matters. Not sure even why GP has a setting for that. I think all that does is the output on the HDMI port. Have no idea what else it controls, but interesting enough it fixed it. I did notice that makes my iOS based tablet 3DR app not work! So I have to switch it back to NTSC. Strange YES. Did it work for me, Yup.
Also, my #4 pod motor is louder than the rest of my motors. Currently waiting on 3DR to provide a resolution on that issue for me.

BTW. Received a response from 3DR on this last night:

"The noise on some motors is considered normal, this will not affect the Solo's functionality at all"

Not sure if I am confident in that and want my Solo crashing down. This weekend I'm going to make a video and send that over to them. Also have an RPM meter coming in and will check for vibrations. When 3 out of the 4 motors sound good and the 4th one sounds louder and sounds "marbly", I have a slight issue with that. I'll just spend the $60 myself and get a new pod and be on the safe side.

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