3Drobotics owners Magazine

Looks like I'll be able to cancel my subscription to the new 3DR Robotics magazine soon:) Received the following email in my box this morning......

Great News!

Your Solo is being hand cared for by 1000 white-gloved workers, carefully placing Solo into it's package for a short nap before arriving on your doorstep. They are singing their departure lullabies, each worker feeling like they are sending their children off to college. Some even have tears in their eyes. Your Solo will ship between 6/15 to 6/25 and will arrive 4 to 5 days after shipment. Your Solo is ready for you and the wonderful adventures you'll have together! Thank you for being so patient with us, don't forget to visit and please write to us every once in awhile. We'll be thinking of you.

Happy Flying,
Your Solo team

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