3dr solo help, I crashed with open solo 4.0.

Mar 11, 2021
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I bought a 3dr solo, factory reset and installed open solo 4.0. I did 3 basic flight tests, first 2 where low altitude, takeoff and land. I was learning basic button functions. 3rd flight as I was landing, it climbed in altitude all by itself and took off into a tree. Crashing to the ground and destroying the gimbal. I have no idea what is happening, nor do I trust the drone out of my sight. I have upgraded blades and motors, but am affraid of crashing the expensive new parts. It gave me an EKF3 yaw inconsistent by 24 deg. I have tried to change what the buttons do, I have to set them everytime I connect to the drone. I am afraid of it flying away or crashing again. Any ideas or any way to figure out why it crashed/flew away. I have downloaded the log files if anyone knows what they mean.

1. Read the operators manual. You will [and would have] understand the RTH that occurred.

2. Set either your A or B button to Fly:Manual. Learn to fly and land manually so that you are ALWAYS in control of the bird.

3. The drone should NEVER be out of your sight as that is illegal. [I'm assuming based on the general level of your questioning that you don't possess a BVLOS waiver.]
Please remember we all had to learn and start somewhere. The last thing someone needs is to be scolded! Rather we should guide in a friendly way. This will keep someone interested rather than discourage them to the point the give up this hobby. I am sure we all have made mistakes along the way. I spent many days climbing in a tree Or repairing a drone because I went left rather than right ! So let’s guide in a nice way and remember we all were in this person position at one point in time.
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I used the word 'please'. Which is a lot more than I usually do.

Each of the 3 points above is direct, to-the-point, useful information.

When I first came to the forums I appreciated people not pussy footing about. I was searching for information first .

Each of the folks who attempt to help here are volunteering. Sometimes you takes your help with the warts ya paid for....
A return to home most likely occured. Lesson learned: The 1st time out after programming changes your now in a test phase. Dont have a tree ( or any obstacles ) near you, the vehicle, or anywhere in between. I too learned this with a bent gimbal.

For others in similar position, try looking here:

Thank you, I really don't know what im doing. I wanted a good drone that would maneuver and take awesome video. I was so excited because oooh new toy. I was anxious because its the second 3dr I have owned. My other one crashed because of severe rf interference. Im sure it was the return home I hit, it lifted quick and probably tried to fly a circle to get back to where I took off from. Your explanation helped me understand. I would love a cliff notes of the manual. lol
I'm glad you were able to get help. That is one of the best parts of this forum. And I understand 'ooh.... shiny' quite well.

But I will say that the manual isn't that long and will answer many questions you probably have
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