3d mapping with solo

I upgraded my personal Solo to Green Cube but the Solo's at work are stock out of the box. I built a harness that uses PIN 19 and the gimbal cable for 5v power.
I upgraded my personal Solo to Green Cube but the Solo's at work are stock out of the box. I built a harness that uses PIN 19 and the gimbal cable for 5v power.
@pulsar110 - Thanks! Much appreciated. I am still troubleshooting why my a6000 camera shutter will not activate when using Mission Planner while bench testing with no Solo Gimbal or GoPro connected. The Gentles LTD device LEDs do light during Solo power-up sequence, and the camera shutter does activate (twice: once at the start of power-up, once again toward the end of power-up). However using MP's "Trigger Camera NOW" function does not activate the Gentles device nor the camera shutter. I am probably missing something very basic in setting parameter(s) in MP. (Multiple sources on Arducopter, DIYD and here offer different suggestions.)

Can I assume that the following is true for you?:
(a) Your Solo with a Green Cube is using Open Solo 3.0.0+. Correct?
(b) The stock Solo's are NOT using Open Solo 3.0.0+. Correct?
(c) The harness is being used with your Green Cube Solo, AND the stock Solo's. Correct?
You are correct in your questions.

A thought, have you gone into the Initial Setup tab and Gimbal Settings? The Mapir website has a page that will walk you thru that. The only issue is knowing what to set the options to, I have no I idea but others around here have mounted sony cameras and should be able to give you a starting place.
You are correct in your questions.

A thought, have you gone into the Initial Setup tab and Gimbal Settings? The Mapir website has a page that will walk you thru that. The only issue is knowing what to set the options to, I have no I idea but others around here have mounted sony cameras and should be able to give you a starting place.
Thanks again for your comments. I've used the MAPIR guide several times, and have tried the options that Nolan describes, with no success. Then I experimented with other settings in Initial Setup and Gimbal within MP. It appears that the Gentles device is functioning. Given your answers, it appears that the problem is in my choice of settings in MP, not in the v3.0.0 software. Or I have the misfortune of a hardware problem on this particular Solo (which I've used many times for mapping missions with Tower, and GoPro in Gimbal).
When I built the Ricoh system the Gentles folks were helpful for the MP settings. They got me close enough that I could tune it from there. Might be worth dropping a note to James there.
Hi, posting here as I have a related question. I have a S100 that I am trying to use for mapping. It looks like the CHDK trigger script might work but I will need a breakout board and cable. Does anyone know if this would be compatible with Solex or would I need to stick with Mission Planner? Pretty new to CHDK, if anyone has this setup and running on the Solo I would really appreciate any advice.

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