1st time in 3 weeks



Today I took Solo out for the first time in 3 weeks. I've been flying my I1 for a while. I was both happy and frustrated at the same damn time and here's why. I was like daaaaamn !!!! I had forgotten how smooth Solo was compared to my I1. If anyone owns or has flown an I1 you know how powerful it is and you can slow it down with customized Gain & Expo settings but it's still not as smooth. Many movements with my I1 are jerky and super quick. The I1 is so responsive that (for me) it's hard to transition smoothly from one move to the next. With that being said, I see specific uses for each copter and like everyone else, I can not f*ck'n wait for this gimbal to arrive!

No issues ever with "my" I1. Mind you; I've flow in a 2 controller set up with my buddy and his "kind of" flew away in Valley Forge but it came back.

[Start Off Topic]
3 weeks ago my wife took our dog to the park and let him swallow half a ball. Long story short; 2 days sick dog, dog surgery, belly and instinal track cut open, rubber ball removed and $4500 later, the dog is fine and today was out first visit back to that park.
[End Off Topic]

Charged 1 Solo battery last night and the controller was still almost fully charged after 3 weeks. Got to the park, turned everything on, no problem. 9 Sats in 2 minutes or less. Connected App, took off. Flew around for a couple minutes then setup a cable cam shot, executed the CC shot and pressed Fly to exit it. No issues.. flew around for another couple of minutes and when looked back at the Samsung Tab - I noticed that my flight battery (on the app) still showed 98% battery life. I was like, damn.. this battery is on steroids today. About a minute later looked that controller.. ahHa! App froze! Battery life was closer to about 60%

Stuck Solo up about 30m and restarted the app, brought Solo about 3m from where I was and tried reconnecting to the bird. Was unable to connect back to Solo. Tried a couple more times then gave up. Needless to say, I flew around in Stabilize and Manual Mode for the rest of the battery. Happy to say, I got about the max from the battery; almost 20 minutes. Frustrated to experience not being able to reconnect to the bird.. Packed up Solo, leashed the dog. Came home. Hop'd on here and gave my opinion about the new go pro model specs.
Dodge, I have had the same issue with battery and not being able to get the app back. But I am flying using a Samsung with Play Services disabled so in my case I consider the tablet is not "quite right"
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Dodge, I have had the same issue with battery and not being able to get the app back. But I am flying using a Samsung with Play Services disabled so in my case I consider the tablet is not "quite right"

I didn't disable Google Play services on the Tab even though I remember you suggesting that a while back. The strange this is, I didn't have any issues until today with the Samsung Tab and Solo. The Samsung actually worked better with Solo and the iPad with I1. When I got home I disabled Google Pay services so we'll see what happens the next time I take Solo out.
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I've also had strange behavior with the app using different devices. With my Note 4 the video will freeze if I use any of the menu functions. I can jump start the video by hitting "home" and then "fly Solo". With my Note 10.1, I get a live video feed that seems smoother than my Note 4, but the app states the my bird is " disconnected", so I have no control over any of the Solo functions. Lastly, it seems to work perfectly with my iPad Air.

I have zero issues using any of these devices with my Phantom 3, for comparison's sake.
I didn't disable Google Play services on the Tab even though I remember you suggesting that a while back. The strange this is, I didn't have any issues until today with the Samsung Tab and Solo. The Samsung actually worked better with Solo and the iPad with I1. When I got home I disabled Google Pay services so we'll see what happens the next time I take Solo out.
Well the Solo is not going to like Play services disabled and will probably warn you as it needs it for anything Google like Maps. But its the only way the P3 will work until they update the app.

DJI has been sitting on this too long.
FWIW Nexus has been flawless. That said, I also run Tower and have all the voice alerts on. It constantly tells me battery voltage, percent, rssi, etc. I find it handy, to get that constantly without looking.
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