12 Days of Solo Christmas

Hi Rex. I can see how you would be frustrated. I don't know when you emailed 3DR, but maybe because of the holiday, they are slow in responding. I really admire you for taking up this hobby, while being deaf. A lot things must be very hard for you. I really can't say much about the captioning, since I know so little about it. All I can say is, don't give up. With Solo being so new in the industry, we all have had our patience tried a bit. Don't let it get you down. Do what it takes to get the information you want from 3DR. Maybe have a friend call for you and explain what your concerns are. Just don't give up! Have patience with them and I am sure they will somehow help you out with what you want to know. Hang in there, my friend, and again, major kudos to you for being the self proclaimed first deaf Solo pilot out there. I wish you all the luck, and safe flying.
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Hi Rex. I can see how you would be frustrated. I don't know when you emailed 3DR, but maybe because of the holiday, they are slow in responding. I really admire you for taking up this hobby, while being deaf. A lot things must be very hard for you. I really can't say much about the captioning, since I know so little about it. All I can say is, don't give up. With Solo being so new in the industry, we all have had our patience tried a bit. Don't let it get you down. Do what it takes to get the information you want from 3DR. Maybe have a friend call for you and explain what your concerns are. Just don't give up! Have patience with them and I am sure they will somehow help you out with what you want to know. Hang in there, my friend, and again, major kudos to you for being the self proclaimed first deaf Solo pilot out there. I wish you all the luck, and safe flying.
I notice they start to put close-caption but not all. Better then nothing! Keep up.

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