accessory bay

  1. Fluxley

    How to repair accessory port ribbon cable?

    My accessory port stopped working. I suspected damage from recently accessing the hdmi port on the mainboard, so I opened her up and found broken pins (at least 1 and 2) on the AP ribbon cable. I want to attempt to repair the broken connections. Any suggestions on tackling this job? The pins are...
  2. D

    Connect FLIR DUO to 3DR Solo

    Hi, The FLIR DUO has a USB connector for getting power and sending video, and two PWM connectors for controlling the camera. ( 1. Can these connectors be connected to the 3DR Solo as is (accessory bay)? Or do I need an extra part for this? 2. Can I access the...
  3. E

    Drop module or radio transmitter

    Hi I was wondering if anyone know of a module built for accessory bay where the controller can trigger a delivery/drop function, or initiate some other function other than camera. DJI fans have developed drone fishing platform, and I thought solo community did more add on prototypes. I am also...
  4. Andrew Schmidt

    Building a DJI Inspire 2 with Solo Internals - Dev Help Requested! [INSPI-3DR]

    Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place, but I figured I would start here. I have purchased a crashed 3dr solo from ebay, in hopes of building a replica (with minor upgrades) of a DJI inspire 2. To do this, I know I will need to do the following. -replace stock esc's with larger (30a) simonK bec...
  5. Robert Rose

    Twilight Anti-Collision Lighting

    Recently promulgated Part 107 (14 CFR § 107.1 et. seq.) (which you must follow during commercial operation) provides in Section 107.29(b): (b) No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft system during periods of civil twilight unless the small unmanned aircraft has lighted anti-collision...
  6. franknitty69

    3DR Solo Accessory Breakout Board by ProfiCNC

    I have a batch of 3DR Solo Accessory Breakout Boards coming in from OSH Park. Includes Click Mate connectors for CANBus and Serial, Zener Diode, JAE connector for accessory port and micro usb for iMX OTG USB. Optionally i can include single row (15-pin) headers for the two rows of broken out...
  7. safak tarazan

    Smart phone direct connection to Solo

    Hello guys, For my master thesis and interest, I am planning to place smart phone on the Solo. Basically, I want to connect this phone directly to Solo not through the Solo controller. The phone will get the commands from GCS over the GSM and forward these commands to Solo drone. In this...
  8. F

    Swift Nav Piksi and EMLID Reach RTK and 3DR Solo

    Hey all, I have been reading up on Solo's accessory bay, and Swift Nav's Piksi. From what I read here, it sounds like the accessory bay JAE SJ038252 connector can interface over CAN (UAVCAN) and USB. solodevguide/ at master · 3drobotics/solodevguide · GitHub From...