Where is this morning update 3DR?!

I was fortunate regarding the free battery. I purchased my Solo at Best Buy and got the free battery at time of purchase. It would disconnect from the controller within 60 seconds, I sent logs, tried many fixes with 3DR over the phone, and was issued an RMA. Instead I returned it to BB for an exchange. They told me to keep the free battery. They had to order a new Solo for me, but we had it shipped directly to my house. It arrived 3 days later with a "free battery" included. So I ended up with 3 batteries. Thanks Best Buy!
Now that's a happy ending. :)
Software testing is always aimed for a date, but if you find bugs or issues, they need to be tackled. It's that simple. Whenever you make a code change, you have to regression test, even one line of code means testing all the key features again to make sure there's been no unexpected consequence.
Ian I appreciate you, but you don't need to defend 3DR, unless there paying you. It's very simple, if you don't have a date, don't give one!
LOL, each delay we hear the same excuses (posts sandwiched between this and my previous post). "Work out the bugs" "Welcome to new product technology" etc.
I appreciate and understand that, but come on 3DR, have you met a SINGLE deadline you've set for yourselves at any point in this release? Have you ever had a single component, update, firmware release, etc., ready when you said it would be ready?
So stop telling us we will have X on this date, and then on the set date, tell us you need more time.
I've been very patient, I remain very patient. 3DR has 98% of my support, and 100% of my faith that eventually The Delay will be all it was promised to be. Despite my patience, this is frustrating, and with each subsequent delay, a bit more frustrating. I'm trying to find something to laugh about, and calling my Solo "The Delay" is about all I can come up with.

I like the 3DR product's I have All of their product's minus The Mapping Plane (But give me time).
My only worry for buying the Solo early is they will come out with the Solo+ to follow suite with the product line so far!! I sure hope I'm wrong.
My Solo has been sitting for 2 weeks waiting for my gimbal replacement. When it crashed, one of the cable connectors broke off the board. I took it in expecting a simple solder job and was told via email after I asked that they don't fix them, I'd be getting a new one when they arrive from China this week Anywho, to make a long story longer, I opened the app on my iPad for kicks and saw there was an update available. Did the update, which sure looked like the one we're waiting for, improving the GPS among others. After the last update from a month or so ago, GPS lock took almost 10 minutes, twice the time it took before. With this update, it took 10 Seconds! I'm holding my opinion until I actually go out and fly it, but that sure looked pretty good. I should have checked the software version before I shut it down, but since other posts say the next version isn't out until the 15th, I'm wondering if this is a version that's come out in the last couple weeks while I've been down.
I opened the app on my iPad for kicks and saw there was an update available. Did the update, which sure looked like the one we're waiting for....

As of today: for Apple
  • Updated: Sep 14, 2015
  • Version: 1.1.1
  • Size: 69.7 MB
  • Languages: English, French, Spanish
  • Seller: 3D Robotics Inc.
  • © 2015, 3D Robotics Inc

For Android:
  • Updated: September 18, 2015
  • Size: 18M
  • Current Version:
Ian I appreciate you, but you don't need to defend 3DR, unless there paying you. It's very simple, if you don't have a date, don't give one!
I'm from a software testing background so I'm simply explaining the realities of the process. A date is always aimed for so will often be communicated to customers, Sod's Law dictates a day before go live a nasty bug will crop up.

This week alone I've seen 3 times a date be asked for when GoPro controls are coming so it's impossible for 3DR not to give dates.
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You would think 3DR would stop predicting release dates and just release when ready.

And by the same token, you would think customers would stop taking release dates as written in stone. This isn't a toaster they're building, it's a very complex aircraft. Bugs are a reality of software development. Maybe I'm just used to it, every release of the main application I make my living with includes dozens upon dozens of bugs, some rendering major new functionality unusable, some making the whole application unstable... but I still somehow manage to make a living using it. In a perfect world, this wouldn't happen, because in a perfect world, they'd have all the time they need to fully test the product.

We're not willing to wait for the time it takes to ensure a product is 100% perfect in every way, and a company couldn't stay in business without revenue long enough to develop such a product, so every product is compromised to a greater or lesser degree. That's just reality.

If it takes them a few more days or weeks to ensure there are no show stopper bugs, so be it. In the end, rushing out an update with bugs just to meet some arbitrary deadline does more harm than good.

Just my 2 cents...
This week alone I've seen 3 times a date be asked for when GoPro controls are coming so it's impossible for 3DR not to give dates.

Customer: When will it be ready?
Company: When it's ready.
Customer: Can you give me a date?
Company: Not really.
Customer: Please give me a date.
Customer 2: Please give me a date.
Customer 3: Please give me a date.
Customer 4: Please give me a date.
Customer 17: Please give me a date.
Customer 32: Please give me a date.
Company: Ok, ok, it should be out xx/xx/xx

xx/xx/xx comes and goes without update


My only worry for buying the Solo early is they will come out with the Solo+ to follow suite with the product line so far!! I sure hope I'm wrong.

Coming out with a Solo+ would be a good thing, it would show they are committed to product improvement and evolution.
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My only worry for buying the Solo early is they will come out with the Solo+ to follow suite with the product line so far!! I sure hope I'm wrong.

Absolutely! It's just like computers, real estate, cell phones, etc.. You either jump in and get one or do without. There will always be a new version soon!
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What would we see in a Solo+ that could not be retro fitted into the Solo?
You will not see solo+ if you want a company that just makes their products obsolete and sticks you with an outdated version you should have bought DJI, 3DR has already said the purpose of SOLO was to be future proof
It will not be the last drone from 3DR, but I would expect solo will be their hero product for quite a while with new features and accessories being released, where in effect the customer could build a solo+ and call it what ever they want. 3DR will call it solo
Haven't you seen the launch trailer the company engineering team are a bunch of monkey's, lol, now after saying that at least I'm getting my free battery if not I think I'd be kind of upset right about now.
Oh, Monkey's are good only when you get gifts from them?
Beware of Monkey's giving you gifts!
If 3DR did a Solo+, I'd expect they'd sell a plus kit to existing users as a subsidy given that's what they did with the Iris.
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What would we see in a Solo+ that could not be retro fitted into the Solo?
If its anything like the move from Iris to Iris+, then we will be able to upgrade the Solo to Solo+.

Actually, as I write this I kind of doubt that will be an option. Iris was ready to fly, but it was still targeted much more toward the DIY (do it yourself) crowd. Still, we can hope.

EDIT: didn't see Ian's post, which pretty much says the same thing I just did, but more succinctly.

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