when is it necessary to do level and compass calibrations

Sep 23, 2015
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Toronto, Canada
Needing advice. I'm wondering if and when it is necessary to do level and compass calibrations. For example, if I've done level and compass calibrations at home, then taken Solo to another locations, to the park a few blocks away, or to another city. How far is far enough that I need to do level and compass calibrations? Also, Is there such a thing as IMU calibration for Solo or is it just specific to DJI drones?

Thank you in advance.
Needing advice. I'm wondering if and when it is necessary to do level and compass calibrations. For example, if I've done level and compass calibrations at home, then taken Solo to another locations, to the park a few blocks away, or to another city. How far is far enough that I need to do level and compass calibrations? Also, Is there such a thing as IMU calibration for Solo or is it just specific to DJI drones?

Thank you in advance.
IMU is specific to DJI/NAZA )at least for calibration purposes).

If you go 60 + miles away do a compass cal. If you reset the unit or install something new (such as the gimbal) do a level calibration. Otherwise, do it if it tells you to, or if problems arise. It isn't needed for Solo nearly as often as recommended by DJI for Phantom.
Earldgrayjr is right. If you travel far from your last compass calibration, you should do another. The controller will also let you know. If you take off and hover, the Solo should stay pretty steady. If it drifts around, that may also be a sign of it needing a compass cal.
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Both posts are 100% right only other time I sometimes do both level and compass is maybe once a month, just cause it seems to me that I get a quicker sat lock afterwards for one reason or another.

Can't say this is a guarantee but if it's coincidence it's happened every single time I've done the cals. I know the first times just cause it's been on but it seems to help for the days following as well usually.

Anybody else notice this?

Is it just coincidence to guys that may know for sure?
I also got gps lock a bit quicker after calibrations. It takes quite awhile before I need to do them again. Of course it could be the recent updates kicking in as well...lol.
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That is a good rule to go by. I did the same when I flew my P2 (I know....Bad word... No worries...I sold it to get my Solo :)). I mean, it doesn't take long to do both to be on the safe side.
LOL...bad word. Yes, I do the compass dance before every flight with my P2. It just became a habit.
I had my Solo ready for my gimbal install today. All calibrations done, as well as stick cals. Before, I probably have done the cals twice since I've had my Solo (june 25)
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LOL...bad word. Yes, I do the compass dance before every flight with my P2. It just became a habit.
I had my Solo ready for my gimbal install today. All calibrations done, as well as stick cals. Before, I probably have done the cals twice since I've had my Solo (june 25)

Yea I wouldn't think it can hurt anything, I definitley do them more than I assume most folks. Takes maybe two minutes and saves that in locking sats within a couple packs. Well worth it, that said I've cut down to proly every other week now and my solo has been flawless since beginning of July. I had a couple issues in June but not since with solo, hero4 on the other hand I'm beginning to hate over the last month I've had quite a few issues. I guess my last gopro update didn't take right cause it's causing a bunch of issues.

So you get your gimbal Ray?
IMU is specific to DJI/NAZA )at least for calibration purposes).

If you go 60 + miles away do a compass cal. If you reset the unit or install something new (such as the gimbal) do a level calibration. Otherwise, do it if it tells you to, or if problems arise. It isn't needed for Solo nearly as often as recommended by DJI for Phantom.
You do not need to do a compas calibration if you move 60+ miles away.

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