what about apple

Aug 1, 2015
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Anyone experienced with the iPad mini on the controller? Pro or con.
I used iPad Air2 and it was fine. Went to Android as I wanted the Tower app,,,which is awesome and just got better! Beta out
I was using the IPad Air for a few flights.. But it dosint fit on the controller mount..! So I had it just on the the hood of my car covered with a box to give it shad !! It worked very well but I wanted a tablet on the controller mount..!! So I went out and bought the iPad Mini2.. Now that's better..!! :)
Wonder when the tower app will be available for apple?
I figure I spent and will eventually spend a lot of money and time on this project and I want my screen to be the best it can be.
Wonder when the tower app will be available for apple?
I figure I spent and will eventually spend a lot of money and time on this project and I want my screen to be the best it can be.

I use both - at the same time. I have an iPad Mini running the Solo app. It gives me the live feed and access to the smart shots.

At the same time I have an Android smartphone connected running Tower, which I use for the map, to display telemetry, to run auto missions, and for changing parameters. My Android phone (a Sony Xperia) is small enough to wedge between the iPad and the controller.
Wow. That's a lot to keep up with.
I guess it sounds that way, but its actually great. Imagine you have the live view on your iPad Mini. Instead of having to swipe left on your iPad to see where you are on the map, you have it there on a second screen right below your iPad.
Thanks. I'll look into the Sony as well. I llike your idea.
Thanks. I'll look into the Sony as well. I llike your idea.
Well I can't say I recommend the Sony Xperia. I like it but I'm sure there are better Android phones you could get.
How do you set that system up?
Step 1.
Connect iPad to Sololink wifi and launch Solo app.

Step 2.
Connect Android to Sololink wifi and launch Tower app.

Step 3.
There is no step 3.
And here is a photo I posted awhile back when I was first getting this up and running.

I've got the phone more securely attached now.


(Now if you have a sharp eye, you'll notice that the FPV view on the iPad is actually just a screen shot from one of the help videos from 3DR, and the controller isn't even turned on - I wasn't actually flying that day, this was just a shot to give someone the overall idea of it looks/works)
Perfect. About to order the iPad mini 2.
Thanks. I have a note 2 but it isn't compatible the note 5 just came out so I'll go with that as an android device. I appreciate the shot.
Step 1.
Connect iPad to Sololink wifi and launch Solo app.

Step 2.
Connect Android to Sololink wifi and launch Tower app.

Step 3.
There is no step 3.

Oops. I forgot there is a step 3... but you only have to do it the first time you launch Tower and then never again.

Inside Tower settings you change your connection type to UDP.

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