Well, I'm I need of (3DR) group therapy!

So here's an update. I took my "old" Solo and the bad controller back to Best Buy and they gave me a full refund. Now the good news is that I still have a complete Solo with, 4 sets of blades, 3 batteries, an extra gimbal, two battery chargers and a bag. They would have taken my other set too but I've decided to hold off on anything new and fly this bird into the ground. Apparently, they are well aware of the 3DR situation and have stepped up to take care of their customers.

Well it seems that "into the ground" meant one more flight... The good news is I'm under warranty so I'll expect 3DR to send me a label or whatever it is they do. Once I get it back, I'll probably sell if anyone is interested.
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How can all these guys be so happy and have had zero problems and I've gone through 4 of these things and have had problems with every one. A different problem each time! Ugh!
In the statement above, how can you think that Solo would be any different than anything else that is man made. I have no doubt of the issues you've had, while my Solo that I got in the first shipment to hit the US has been excellent. It's the same reason some will have a model of car with never an issue, while others will get a replacement under a 'Lemon Law'.

Yes, many user issues are what I call 'cockpit errors' and can be attributed to the owner. But there are lots of people that have legitimate Solo HW problems like you do. It's unfortunate but a fact of life. I have been that owner in other purchases.
I've tried that a bunch of times. Any other advice? I'm dying over here.
you could be in a place where there is constant interference magnetic or otherwise, but i assume you already tried multiple locations that are distant from each other? Assume you tried re-calibrating in a different location too?

It seems you had many issues and this calibration one is just something recent that you posted yesterday which happened after just one flight - But then above you said that you've been through 4 of these things but were they all the same issue? So the calibration error should be a quick one to fix, and you're saying its not going away? What happened after you "re-calibrated" ?

if you post more detailed, linear information about whats happening (as verbose as possible) I'm sure we could figure it out
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In the statement above, how can you think that Solo would be any different than anything else that is man made. I have no doubt of the issues you've had, while my Solo that I got in the first shipment to hit the US has been excellent. It's the same reason some will have a model of car with never an issue, while others will get a replacement under a 'Lemon Law'.

Yes, many user issues are what I call 'cockpit errors' and can be attributed to the owner. But there are lots of people that have legitimate Solo HW problems like you do. It's unfortunate but a fact of life. I have been that owner in other purchases.

I know,I know it's just frustrating! I am glad that 3DR had the system in place that collects your flight logs. That's awesome! It allows them to see "inside" the unit and determine the problem without a lengthy explanation from the consumer.

I appreciate what you are saying but answer me this, did you keep the faulty product and keep trying to make it work no matter the effort or expense or did you purchase something else swearing to never buy from those so and so's again? ;)

My greatest problem is with the second part of my situation. Four drones, four different problems. It's one thing to buy a Ram truck and they have transmission problems across the line. It's another to buy four of the same car and within the first six months, one has the computer fail, on one the engine fails, on another the transmission fails and lastly on one the brakes fail. When do you stop buying that car?

Btw I'm an engineer for a large corporation...I know all about inherent problems. We've had them ourselves, just like everyone. That doesn't make it any better that I have a dead unit and the sun is shining!
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you could be in a place where there is constant interference magnetic or otherwise, but i assume you already tried multiple locations that are distant from each other? Assume you tried re-calibrating in a different location too?

It seems you had many issues and this calibration one is just something recent that you posted yesterday which happened after just one flight - But then above you said that you've been through 4 of these things but were they all the same issue? So the calibration error should be a quick one to fix, and you're saying its not going away? What happened after you "re-calibrated" ?

if you post more detailed, linear information about whats happening (as verbose as possible) I'm sure we could figure it out

Thanks. Sorry, I ASSumed you read the entire thread. Over 7 months, I've had four units, each have had failures of different types.

1st Fly away. Recovered/returned to Best Buy.
2nd Flip over. Exchanged at Best Buy.
3rd Controller no longer communicating. Returned to Best Buy.
4th Calibration Error. With this one, I did try re calibrating in three, no four locations. I tried restart/recal out in a field, so little interference that I know of. I reset the unit and controller 4 times once I got home. Tried to re calibrate a few times per reset. Gave up. Initiated a service ticket to 3DR.

The good news is that 3DR replied to my ticket and said it was the flight controller so they are sending a new unit. Well, I assume, after I send mine back. I do honestly thank you for responding!
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The good news is these solos are mechanical and have no motive to screw with you personally. You have invested some time and money but not outrageous amounts of either. You can quit and cut your losses any time. Or, play it out a little further. Why not? If you do finally get it to work properly, you will get great sense of satisfaction. Just don't get yourself too aggravated either way.
The good news is these solos are mechanical and have no motive to screw with you personally. You have invested some time and money but not outrageous amounts of either. You can quit and cut your losses any time. Or, play it out a little further. Why not? If you do finally get it to work properly, you will get great sense of satisfaction. Just don't get yourself too aggravated either way.

True. I may sound like it sometimes but I'm not a kid! I'm also into motorcycles (sport bikes) so I'm completely fine with tweaks, adjustments, modifications, etc. I think what as lot of people have missed is that I've barely been able to enjoy this thing at all. With a product like this, especially when you're new at flying at these distances, you're very nervous and conscious of the consequences of a failure. I've never been afforded any confidence from this platform. I'm almost scared to launch the thing anymore. When I can't go more than one or two flights without a major component failing? Forget the fly away or the flip over, since many of you want to blame me for those but the controller bricking or the flight controller failing for no apparent reason? How do you fly something like that over property or people? It's worrisome to say the least. It's potentially a four pound brick falling from 400 feet.
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The good news is these solos are mechanical and have no motive to screw with you personally. You have invested some time and money but not outrageous amounts of either. You can quit and cut your losses any time. Or, play it out a little further. Why not? If you do finally get it to work properly, you will get great sense of satisfaction. Just don't get yourself too aggravated either way.
It is a hobby, as with anything RTR out of the box, there is always room for improvement. I'm not complaining at this price point. You can't buy dick for this kind of money that comes close. I got 3 to get into this hobby, I figure by the time I go through these and crash and burn, I will have a lot of parts for a DIY project. That's where the fun begins. To me the Solo is an awesome rig at $300. Can't wait to Frankenstein something out of the leftovers. Just my 2 cents. No regrets.
It is a hobby, as with anything RTR out of the box, there is always room for improvement. I'm not complaining at this price point. You can't buy dick for this kind of money that comes close. I got 3 to get into this hobby, I figure by the time I go through these and crash and burn, I will have a lot of parts for a DIY project. That's where the fun begins. To me the Solo is an awesome rig at $300. Can't wait to Frankenstein something out of the leftovers. Just my 2 cents. No regrets.

Well that's what you can tell the kid's mom after it drops his/her head....It was a great deal!

To me what's happened is that 3DR rushed this unit to production, it had several known bugs. Since they stopped making them last year, none of those problems (other than MAYBE software) were ever addressed. They're selling off or have sold off their remaining inventory and that will be that as far as 3DR is concerned.

I agree that you can't buy even 25% of the parts involved for $300. That's without question. Heck, when I got mine, the consumer website was still up and if you wanted a new controller, it was $500. The gimbal was $400, batteries were $150, the back pack was another $150.... I kid you not, even after all this trouble I still consider buying another one at that price!
Had some time tonight, read the whole thread.
Got nothin' new to add...just found it very interesting. I have had great luck - never crashed (course I know it's not if, but when), first Solo was rev A GPS, got a second one sitting in a box (rev B GPS) as a backup, and I fly as often as I can locally.
I guess $%^& happens. Some days you're the dog, other days you're the fire hydrant.
Hope things work out for you, whichever direction you go - I'm not going to try and convince you to do anything you don't really want to do (that would make me your wife).
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Well that's what you can tell the kid's mom after it drops his/her head....It was a great deal!

To me what's happened is that 3DR rushed this unit to production, it had several known bugs. Since they stopped making them last year, none of those problems (other than MAYBE software) were ever addressed. They're selling off or have sold off their remaining inventory and that will be that as far as 3DR is concerned.

I agree that you can't buy even 25% of the parts involved for $300. That's without question. Heck, when I got mine, the consumer website was still up and if you wanted a new controller, it was $500. The gimbal was $400, batteries were $150, the back pack was another $150.... I kid you not, even after all this trouble I still consider buying another one at that price!
Exactly! I'm just looking at it from parts standpoint. It cost them $750 to make this thing, probably why they went under. Shit I just test flew a new unit just check it out and a motorpod popped out, luckily right when it took off at about 5'. Landed it with no accident. 3DR forgot to put the 4 screws in. Guess they were in a rush to get that sucker onto BB. Shit happens, could've been a disaster.
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Had some time tonight, read the whole thread.
Got nothin' new to add...just found it very interesting. I have had great luck - never crashed (course I know it's not if, but when), first Solo was rev A GPS, got a second one sitting in a box (rev B GPS) as a backup, and I fly as often as I can locally.
I guess $%^& happens. Some days you're the dog, other days you're the fire hydrant.
Hope things work out for you, whichever direction you go - I'm not going to try and convince you to do anything you don't really want to do (that would make me your wife).

Hahaha! Thanks. ... I think. I don't like giving up, believe it if not, but in a lot of ways the stakes can be higher than a couple hundred bucks. I'll see what 3dr does in the coming days. If they do send a refurb, I wonder if they'll install the fixes I'd imagine the site scan unit has. It's one thing to spend a few hundred as a hobbyist, it's quite another to drop $12,000 as a company and have reoccurring failures. Maybe once they ironed out all of the hardware issues, they realized that it would cost to much? Or maybe the ss unit doesn't have all the flight modes? Who knows but other than appearance, I doubt it's the same as our birds internally.
Hahaha! Thanks. ... I think. I don't like giving up, believe it if not, but in a lot of ways the stakes can be higher than a couple hundred bucks. I'll see what 3dr does in the coming days. If they do send a refurb, I wonder if they'll install the fixes I'd imagine the site scan unit has. It's one thing to spend a few hundred as a hobbyist, it's quite another to drop $12,000 as a company and have reoccurring failures. Maybe once they ironed out all of the hardware issues, they realized that it would cost to much? Or maybe the ss unit doesn't have all the flight modes? Who knows but other than appearance, I doubt it's the same as our birds internally.
I get you're point on that, some people make a living with these drones and invest some serious money to make that living. I would not be taking it so lightly if I paid that much and my shit didn't work flawlessly. As a hobbyist you expect or want to tinker and explore possibilities. From a business standpoint, I want my stuff making me money. You're not getting paid to fix things or have down time with your investment.
I get you're point on that, some people make a living with these drones and invest some serious money to make that living. I would not be taking it so lightly if I paid that much and my shit didn't work flawlessly. As a hobbyist you expect or want to tinker and explore possibilities. From a business standpoint, I want my stuff making me money. You're not getting paid to fix things or have down time with your investment.

To coin a phrase...EXACTLY! Hahaha!
So I carried my drone with me on a job, just in case they email me my label while I'm working. I could send it right away.

I'm sitting around after work and I started wondering, "what type of leveling system/chip do they use?" Hmmm?

So I tried resetting it upside down. It never calibrated but it also never gave me the error. Hmmm....

As I've stated, I'm a mechanical engineer so I think of everything from a mechanical standpoint. What if the level sensor was stuck? Hmmm...

One snappy smack on the bottom, it level calibrated and flew! Hahaha! GTFO! I fixed it 1950s tv repairman style!

I'll still send it back since its under warranty. Besides, I'm wondering if that's what's behind the flip over as well? Obviously, if the system thinks "level" is 90° to the right...that might be a problem!
...As I've stated, I'm a mechanical engineer so I think of everything from a mechanical standpoint. What if the level sensor was stuck? Hmmm...

One snappy smack on the bottom, it level calibrated and flew! Hahaha! GTFO! I fixed it 1950s tv repairman style...

Lon, I guess I'm happy for you on one level but disappointed on another. You knew the group therapy rules when you started including no acting or lashing out at others. A "snappy smack on the bottom" is never appropriate behavior.
Lon, I guess I'm happy for you on one level but disappointed on another. You knew the group therapy rules when you started including no acting or lashing out at others. A "snappy smack on the bottom" is never appropriate behavior.

It always worked for John Wayne... When his women got out of line it was spanking time!
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Exactly! I'm just looking at it from parts standpoint. It cost them $750 to make this thing, probably why they went under. Shit I just test flew a new unit just check it out and a motorpod popped out, luckily right when it took off at about 5'. Landed it with no accident. 3DR forgot to put the 4 screws in. Guess they were in a rush to get that sucker onto BB. Shit happens, could've been a disaster.

Wow! I just saw this edit... I hear and understand what you're saying, and considering your apparent high level of patience, I hope to have you for a customer someday!

However, that sounds crazy and wildly dangerous. Yikes! If that happened at a park or while you were filming a wedding, a birthday party, any event where there were people around. That would be like if a car manufacture "forgot" to tighten the lug nuts on your tires. I can hear the phone call now, " Hi, Bob's Chevy? How are you doing? Fine. Yea, it's no big deal but the brand new car I bought yesterday. Well, one of the tires fell off on the freeway and I hit a bus load of schoolchildren. Oh only 3 died and a few went to the hospital. Oh yea it could have been worse. Well stuff happens. I should have purchased a couple spares since you gave me such a good deal. No problem, you can fix the car whenever you want. Oh sure I'll pay for the repairs, I should have anticipated this problem and worked on it myself. Nobody's perfect. Thank you so much! Have an awesome day! "

Wow! I just saw this edit... I hear and understand what you're saying, and considering your apparent high level of patience, I hope to have you for a customer someday!

However, that sounds crazy and wildly dangerous. Yikes! If that happened at a park or while you were filming a wedding, a birthday party, any event where there were people around. That would be like if a car manufacture "forgot" to tighten the lug nuts on your tires. I can hear the phone call now, " Hi, Bob's Chevy? How are you doing? Fine. Yea, it's no big deal but the brand new car I bought yesterday. Well, one of the tires fell off on the freeway and I hit a bus load of schoolchildren. Oh only 3 died and a few went to the hospital. Oh yea it could have been worse. Well stuff happens. I should have purchased a couple spares since you gave me such a good deal. No problem, you can fix the car whenever you want. Oh sure I'll pay for the repairs, I should have anticipated this problem and worked on it myself. Nobody's perfect. Thank you so much! Have an awesome day! "

Funny shit... like I said, luckily nothing happened. $300 drone and $50k car, my quality control expectations might be a little higher...hahaha!

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