Travel with Solo to Europe from US

Where can I find some paper work explaining the 70Wh of the Solo batteries and anything else that may be required to inform the airline of the batteries that I am carrying?
Check the website for the airline you will be traveling on. Each airline has different rules. Its best to have a couple copies of their policy printed out. But for the most part, your just going to walk up to security in the airport. Stick your bags through the machine without saying anything. They will get flagged - but not always. They will probably know its a drone already. You might have to answer some questions, or they might just wave you through.
I found some info here in Australia from CASA regarding travelling with lithium batteries. Will also contact the airline and take that paperwork with me. Thanks for your reply Erik.

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I have flown in Italy. Always ask local cops on where you can fly. Lots of places to fly in the countryside. I have a video from Nemi on YouTube with a white drone. I always carry on my copter and batteries. I have never had a problem.

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