Tower--can you change camera tilt and Solo yaw angle?

Nov 15, 2015
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I haven't used Tower yet. Looked at the tutorials out there, still two questions:

Can you change the camera tilt?

Can you change the yaw angle as Solo flies from one waypoint to another?

For camera tilt, yes. You swipe your finger up/down on the live video feed window and it will change the gimbals tilt. Not sure on your other question.
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For camera tilt, yes. You swipe your finger up/down on the live video feed window and it will change the gimbals tilt. Not sure on your other question.

I would like to program that into the mission itself, so Solo can change the tilt differently along the route automatically.
I would like to program that into the mission itself, so Solo can change the tilt differently along the route automatically.
What you're looking for in a Tower mission is the "Region of Interest" (ROI) option. When you specify a "ROI" as part of your mission, Solo will keep the camera pointed at that ROI. A setting for ROI allows you to also specify the altitude that the camera will point at. Later in the mission, you can specify a different ROI and Solo will then point at that location.
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I haven't used Tower yet. Looked at the tutorials out there, still two questions:

Can you change the camera tilt?

Can you change the yaw angle as Solo flies from one waypoint to another?

Yes, but in an auto waypoint mission it is not as smooth as cable cam. Using an ROI waypoint will keep the Solo pointed at a region of interest, smoothly yawning and tilting the camera, BUT, unlike cable cam, when you switch to a different ROI, it will be very jerky. There are ways to carefully plan a waypoint mission to mitigate the sudden jerks, but it's not worth it when you can just use cable cam.

I'd recommend trying Tower out. Plan some simple missions. Then post back when you've got some experience and I (or someone else on these boards), can give you some advice on how to get what you want. It will be easier to explain if you have some experience.
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For camera tilt, yes. You swipe your finger up/down on the live video feed window and it will change the gimbals tilt. Not sure on your other question.

I just discovered this feature today (by accident). Not only can you change camera tilt, but you can also change where the camera is looking (pan) by swiping on the live video.

However, based on the OP request for setting camera tilt in Tower, I haven't figured that out, but in Mission Planner there is an option "DO_MOUNT_CONTROL" whereby you are supposed to be able set the camera tilt angle. I have not figured this command out, as entering the actual angle (such as 45deg) does not change the camera tilt. I've read elsewhere that the angle must be entered in 100's, such as 4500 to achieve a 45 degree angle. So I am still experimenting.

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