the phoenix x8 saga continues

Looking good :)
Really interested in the Edison and smartshots, as I have one and no drone to put it in yet:)

out with the Edison, in with the solo IMX6

Updated correct pin out and parameters

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Well, the gimbal has always been the tough nut to crush on this project
heck with it
Just going to build one using Dustin's frame
Ordering controller motors and encoders now
This gimbal is scary, going to have a lot in it when I am done, but if it works I think I will fabricate handles so I can use it on the ground, going on a three year slog to get this far and I imagine by the time I get the IMX6 and gimbal working it may possibly be spring
You should see Paul's latest, sporting a GH4. That thing is HOT
jump on in, crazy people love the company
Pretty sure I am going with the alexmos from basecam
the extended version, trying to decide if I want to go encoder or IMU
leaning encoder
This one
But I think Dustin Made the yaw motor smaller than the 4108s
which is odd, since I thought the yaw motor had most of the work to do.
So the 4008 motors look like they have a 19mm bolt pattern and the 4108s have a 20mm
So I may be stuck with the 4008 or figure out some adapter to allow the bigger motors work
Yeah that is my little mate, he is a pirate too, my wife be a wench.
Cairn Terrier and a real punk sometimes
Latest progress on a long slow build
When I get finished with this, I really think I am going to grab a spektraworks board before moving forward
23559548_547621525584418_4828274858567058334_n.jpg 23561801_547621532251084_6064704793654887181_n.jpg 23519167_547621528917751_1858394841348712902_n.jpg
Just found this project. Looks incredible! Have you considered a hand held gimbal like the Zhiyun crane? Might have to prefabricate a handle extension that come back to the body, but then you might could put a motor on it to get pan functions.
that would be to easy, then what would I cuss at and bang my head against for the next few months.
it is back to flying today. Just flashed a salvaged IMX6 with open solo, upgraded the antenna and will be mounting it tomorrow. It all goes well the x8r and taranis will get packed away for a bit. Going to be odd flying that thing with a solo controller
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burned out my PH putting on an IMX6, so upgrades were in order.
Flies like a dream. Did auto tune on one battery in about 14 minutes
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