Stupid newby needs HELP !!!!!

Apr 22, 2016
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Hi guys

Anybody know why my Drone just went completly mad and out of control ? ? ? im now writing this with shredded fingers and hands :)
I think it lost its GPS signal when i flew it to close to my house and had to grab it as the controller wasnt working, hence shredded fingers, and had to hold it for a long time to let the battery run down , which took typically a long time while it munched on my fingers :) :)
Right now you have all stopped laughing at my stupidity :) Can someone PLEASE answer this and hopefully confirm my thoughts that once im out in a field ect and it can get a GPS signal it will be ok , and not bugger off.
Any advice would be very much appreciated .

Not responding to the controller's inputs is not a symptom of losing GPS. If it loses GPS, it will switch to manual and you still have complete control over it. There are no circumstances where what happened is normal or expected behavior.

Did you take off in FLY mode? Or did you takeoff in FLY:MANUAL without GPS?

Please use the Solo app to open a ticket with 3DR. With the app connected to the controller, it will download the logs and send them to 3DR along with the ticket. They can see exactly what happened in the logs. I would suggest not flying again until this is resolved.
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Not responding to the controller's inputs is not a symptom of losing GPS. If it loses GPS, it will switch to manual and you still have complete control over it. There are no circumstances where what happened is normal or expected behavior.

Did you take off in FLY mode? Or did you takeoff in FLY:MANUAL without GPS?

Please use the Solo app to open a ticket with 3DR. With the app connected to the controller, it will download the logs and send them to 3DR along with the ticket. They can see exactly what happened in the logs. I would suggest not flying again until this is resolved.

Hiya , didnt know you could fly MANUAL without GPS , I always wait untill theres a GPS signal and then take off using the joystick , I do not take off high, only a few feet in the back garden as not much room . When out in the open I still wait to get a GPS signal before take off .
I had a thought that maybe because it lost GPS signal it was trying to return home , but I had hold off it so it couldnt , hence the controller not working , Do you agree ?
Ok good, that makes troubleshooting easier. I thought that might be the case. However, if you were not aware of this stuff, you really need to read the manual and watch the videos.

If it loses GPS, it will switch to manual mode automatically. You would have full control still. In fact, it could not possibly return to home without GPS, because it needs the GPS to do that. If it needs to return home due to some other malfunction, and it doesn't have a GPS lock, it will just land immediately.

So you're saying the you were moving the sticks and trying to control it, and it did not respond at all? Or was it responding and just not doing what you were expecting it to do?

If you grab it and try to manipulate it in the air, it will fight you tooth an nail just like it fights the wind and gravity. It is trying to maintain altitude and trying to maintain pitch/roll, which you are actively pulling on to fight. I feel like this must have been extremely painful, but would have been absolutely hilarious to watch on a video.
Ok good, that makes troubleshooting easier. I thought that might be the case. However, if you were not aware of this stuff, you really need to read the manual and watch the videos.

If it loses GPS, it will switch to manual mode automatically. You would have full control still. In fact, it could not possibly return to home without GPS, because it needs the GPS to do that. If it needs to return home due to some other malfunction, and it doesn't have a GPS lock, it will just land immediately.

So you're saying the you were moving the sticks and trying to control it, and it did not respond at all? Or was it responding and just not doing what you were expecting it to do?

If you grab it and try to manipulate it in the air, it will fight you tooth an nail just like it fights the wind and gravity. It is trying to maintain altitude and trying to maintain pitch/roll, which you are actively pulling on to fight. I feel like this must have been extremely painful, but would have been absolutely hilarious to watch on a video.

Absoluty I think i could have sold tickets :) :) :)
What you have just described IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED i fought tooth and nail to try and get away , so do you think it will be ok ? .
Ive submitted a ticket to support as it said NOT TO FLY untill this was resolved ....
Soz just realised i didnt answer your question , im sure you can guess im new to this .. I was trying to move the sticks in the down position to land the drone but nothing happened , it just tryed to fly away .....
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Did you do the regular preflight check? Did the controller and the screen say OK to fly?

How close is close to the house?

I didn't laugh. I've seen people loose fingers on these forums. I hope you didn't do any damage to your hand.
Not sure about the pre flight check ? Yes the controller said GO FLY but as soon as it said that , it said another update available ...
When I say close to the house , it was very close , less than 2 ft ...
Im just about to pop over the field to test the solo but I'm still concerned that the controller DOESN'T turn it's self off .
Thanks for replying and any advise would be very welcome ....
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