Solo survey

Sep 19, 2015
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I received a survey from 3DR asking question about my camera usage! If you read between the line it sounds as if solo is going to drop the gopro and make their own camera. Has anyone else received this survey?
Anyone else have thought on this? I have heard that gopro is going to get in the Drone game not sure how true it is but food for thought!
I didn't get the e-mail yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. With the Hero 3 Silver debacle, GoPro seems to be a bastard of a company to work with. Really has me worried they won't just update the Blacks to screw with it's compatibility with the Solo too since GoPro never made any claims of compatibility.
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It would be nice to have a ready to go camera that doesn't have the distorted lens and geo-tags the photos. This is the only advantage I believe the P3 has. But I also like the fact I am using 4 different camera setups with my Solo
Yes, I also received the survey. I think they are feeling out their customers to see what people think before heading in a 'custom camera' direction.

I put some notes in their survey to say that I think it would be cool if they could create an open source camera, that would install into the Solo Gimbal and use the current GoPro connections. :) Wouldn't that be cool! :)
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as long as 3DR doesn't attempt to recreate the wheel. if they stay true to their mission statement and they do decide to add a camera, I would hope they produce with filming in mind - they already have experience with users of their ground mapping crafts and software.

they invented the solo to be a powerful option to hiring a helicopter and photographer, if they add a camera and it's just for the solo, I sincerely hope they'll keep that in mind.

a zoom, wide angle option with the gimbal and smart shots would be a powerful combination.

zooming while panning while tilting while flying - omg - :)
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I didn't get the e-mail yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. With the Hero 3 Silver debacle, GoPro seems to be a bastard of a company to work with. Really has me worried they won't just update the Blacks to screw with it's compatibility with the Solo too since GoPro never made any claims of compatibility.
I agree I just hope they don't forget about the people that have spent all this money on solo, gimbal and now having to upgrade to a gopro 4 black. Hopefully if they do develop their own camera it will fit the same gimbal and they don't drop support for gopro.
I'm 100% positive they would never stop supporting GoPro cameras. Why would they cut off such a huge customer base that already own the GoPro? They'll probably develop their own camera/gimbal as well as even more gimbals for other popular cameras.

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I agree I just hope they don't forget about the people that have spent all this money on solo, gimbal and now having to upgrade to a gopro 4 black. Hopefully if they do develop their own camera it will fit the same gimbal and they don't drop support for gopro.
So would you be dis-satisfied with the platform you presently have if they did come out with an alternative camera configuration? Your system works and it provides high quality shots, promise kept.

Maybe the survey was designed to leverage others into investing in what we know of Solo today, a marketing survey by 3DR for potential makers. As an example, I could imagine a Black Magic Micro derivative being an option. Face-it everyone with a small camera would like a piece of the MR action. Solo provides an almost immediate avenue to the consumer without heavy R&D expenses. 3DR is saying here it is, come join us and we'll help you make it happen quickly.

Half full or half empty?

Solo: Open for development | 3DR | Drone & UAV Technology
It would be nice to have a ready to go camera that doesn't have the distorted lens and geo-tags the photos. This is the only advantage I believe the P3 has. But I also like the fact I am using 4 different camera setups with my Solo
Geotagging your shots with the Gopro is easy.
Use the gopro app to sync the clock on it with the clock on your tablet/phone. Then use MP to geotag your images with the tLog from your flight.
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Wow. I wonder if they're accepting the reality that a lot of Phantom 3 footage is rock solid out of the box while Solo owners are surprised to see micro shudders in every. single. video. sample.

I see in it my footage and I see it in others' footage. It is a feature, not a bug at this point.

Fortunately warp stabilizer cleans it up, as the quality of the shudder appears to just produce a subtle shaking, but not warping jello, but if you could shoot rectilinear and be nearly rock solid stable out of the box, that is a big advantage and better positions 3DR against DJI offerings going forward.

However, even Phantom footage suffers from others issues. Imbalanced horizons, more pronounced jello at times. I think the ideal would be to get a global shutter into a camera and that would go a long way to making these drones feel like really solid filming platforms. Not sure you'll ever get a relatively delicate craft to produce silky smooth footage at higher speeds or in wind.

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