Solo Observations, Issues, Suggestions

Jul 12, 2015
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Hello All...I just signed up for the group today after finally getting some stick time on the Solo.

I hope I am not duplicating any information here, but I am cross posting my post that I just made to the 3DR Owners Group on FB. Hoping to get some feedback from other users and perhaps someone from 3DR.

Issues below...please read.

Hello fellow Solo Pilots. I finally received my pre-ordered Solo a couple of weeks ago and this weekend is the first time I've really had a chance to put it through its paces. It's been hard to keep up with all the posts and reports from people in the field due to this crazy schedule of mine during the last couple of months but here are my observations thus far along with some suggestions. If anyone has any input, please chime in!

First of all, let me state that I absolutely love the look of the Solo...and I love it its flying characteristics as well...especially in manual. I have several quads and this one is the most fun to fly. Once I receive the gimbal, I will definitely be doing a review for my website and YT channel, DronesInSC.

I posted and earlier and asked if there was a page for known issues with the Solo...haven't found anything like that yet, but if it exists, please let me know. As far as "issues" go, I did run into a few.


1.) The biggest issue by far appears to be the GPS receiver in the Solo. I haven't opened it up, and I didn't see it listed in the specs, but from the behaviors I observed, I am assuming that the Solo has something like a U-Blox 7 in it. Most of the reports of crashes and control issues that I have seen thus far seem to be related to loss of GPS or GPS errors (high HDOP).

For a quad that is being targeted to new users (so smart a monkey can fly it), and for one that relies on GPS for all of the smart features available to it--it needs to have a rock solid GPS receiver. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like we have that right now with the Solo. Even after several flights where the unit should have had good GPS almanac/ephemeris data on startup--I typically waited several minutes to get a GPS lock--and oftentimes did not receive one at all until flying around in manual for awhile. This was in a fairly open area.

As a precaution, I changed the "A" button on the controller to switch the flight mode to should definitely do this if you haven't already. On one of my flights, the Solo started to do an uncommanded flight in the direction of a tree...I quickly switched to manual and averted the collision. This happened because of an increasing HDOP and subsequent loss of GPS.

Another thing I noticed is that when I did get a GPS lock on the ground prior to take-off, my HDOP would rarely go below 1.9. Once the motors were started it oftentimes would climb above 2.5 which brings into question the shielding and/or positioning of the GPS antenna and receiver.

On a side note--I pulled out my original 1st run Yuneec Q500 that I purchased last year (so a generation behind the Solo). It was a cold start for the Q as I haven't flown it in several months. Taking off from the same place and flying the same pattern, the Q500 had a solid GPS lock in less than 20 seconds, and I never lost that lock on any flights. Compared to the Solo, which took several minutes to get a lock (if I got one at all), and lost lock several times when flying...well, I hate to say it, but there really is no comparison...the Q wins without a doubt.

SUGGESTION: The Q500 has a GPS/GLONASS receiver...while the Solo appears to have only a GPS receiver. With the Q I had 18 sats locked in a matter of seconds, with the Solo, I was lucky to get 9 or 10 after several minutes. Heck, my Phantom 3 (which is out for repairs) has a GPS/GLONASS receiver in it too and although that platform has its issues for sure, GPS ain't one of 'em.

The Solo is dependent on GPS for all the smart features--we need a better GPS that does GPS and GLONASS. Why isn't there a U-Blox M8 in this thing? I think 3DR should consider switching to the M8, or something comparable, and offer an upgrade kit to current Solo customers. Additionally, better shielding or a mast mounted GPS antenna might be in order due to RFI from the motors and electronics.

2.) Solo App issues...I have a few of these (I am running the latest version of the app, released yesterday). First off, my tablet is a Nexus 7 ii...and I also have used my HTC One M9 as the mobile device. I know that programming for Android can be a PITA because of all of the fragmentation of the Android OS compared to Apple...but I hope these issues can be resolved. On both of my mobile devices, it doesn't matter which order I power up my equipment, I always have to exit out of and re-open the Solo app in order to get the telemetry to populate on my mobile device...even if I get the message on the controller that the device is connected to the Solo app, I still have to do this.

Follow-Me: Can't get it to work on the Nexus 7 ii at all. I have GPS positioning turned on with the device but the solo app is not commanding the GPS on the Nexus 7 to activate. I can trick it for a minute by opening a different app that turns on the GPS (such as google maps), but the moment I exit that app, the GPS turns off.

I was able to get follow-me to work on the HTC One M9 but almost lost my Solo when I tried it out. I had the Solo about 50 feet away and about 50 feet high. I selected "Follow". observed that my position and the Solo's position were correct on the map and then pressed the screen to activate follow mode. As soon as I activated follow, the Solo immediately made a full-speed beeline for some trees about 100 feet away. I applied opposite stick and nothing changed...I pressed the "A" button to switch to manual and nothing changed...I hit the pause button and it started to slow down but was now only a few feet away from the trees and drifting towards them (all this happened in a couple of seconds). All the while I was also going down on the throttle to try and avert a high altitude crash. At this point it was still moving backwards and hitting the ground and hopping back up. I finally regained control by changing modes on the touch-screen.

So what happened here? I guess it is possible that my phone was giving bad GPS information to the solo for a moment but it happened to quickly for me to notice...when I did recover, I immediately checked my phone and my position error was <5ft. More on this in a moment...

So, for my next attempt, I did it at high altitude...about 200 feet (so if it acted crazy it wouldn't be in danger of hitting any trees). I put it in follow mode and instead of following it started orbiting. Seriously? I'm fairly certain the screen said it was in follow mode but it was acting like it was in orbit mode.

Third attempt...finally worked right. One thing I did follow mode, the "A" and "B" buttons on the controller screen were blanked apparently in follow mode if something goes wrong, you can't quickly change it to manual mode by pressing the "A" button. That definitely needs to be changed! Once out of follow mode, the modes I had programmed for the "A" and "B" buttons re-appeared on the controller.

SUGGESTION: If this had happened to a rookie pilot, it is likely they would have crashed their Solo. Not sure how the iOS version of the solo app is shaping up but it would appear that the android app needs some tweaking. Definitely need to enable the A/B buttons when in the camera shot modes...when milliseconds count it takes too long to take your hands off the controller and select a different mode on the touch screen and pause takes too long to stop an errant quad that is going full speed in the wrong direction.

Ok, so all of that out of the way...I still love the Solo. I truly want to see this product succeed...and no, I am not a DJI I hope someone from 3DR will take these suggestions...and if anybody has gotten follow to work with their Nexus 7 ii, let me know what you did! :)
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One more thing I forgot to mention...I am not seeing any difference between manual mode and stabilize mode. The throttle should act differently in stabilize mode but it doesn't.
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I hope you get a response from 3DR. My Solo is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I'm a brand new ROOKIE!! I'm thinking about not accepting it and letting it go back to B&H. Sure don't don't want to have a crash.
I think if you search around you will find that 3DR did test and consider the M8 GPS unit but decided against it for whatever reasons right or wrong.

So its not like they did not consider it.

The GPS unit they are using, its physical mounting or programming implementation definitely has some issues which I hope they resolve quickly.

My P3P is rock solid as well, acquires quickly and has no issues.
Do you think they'll be able to resolve the issues with a firmware update?
I would hope so. If not they are going to have a lot of unhappy people. Filming a rugby tourney yesterday with my P3 made it clear I cant wait 3 minutes for GPS lock when switching batteries.
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I'm in the process of adapting a NEO-M8N module to see what difference it makes.
I'm just waiting on Digikey to send me the Molex Clik-Mate connectors I ordered and it will be ready.

Several people here and elsewhere have told me it's a waste of time/effort, but I'm doing it anyways.
I have a few different passive and active antennas I want to test with.
(the Module I have works with both).

It's unfortunate, but if I can't get this Solo to do better with GPS, it's going back at 30 days :(

I expected issues with this and was ready to be a "Guinea Pig" for the wide-spread beta test, but they don't seem to be putting out much effort in replying to their beta testers on forums like this one.
We have their best interest in mind, and there has been a lot of valuable information posted here and on other forums, but there has been no response from 3DR that I am aware of.

My list of problems and annoyances in no specific order:

Very long time to acquire GPS Lock. Too long to make it a viable device for action related photography.(this was also mentioned before)

Sometimes it never achieves GPS Lock in an open field and must be restarted a few times.
Not only is this annoying, it's the butt of many jokes from users of other models flying at the same field.

Too many failure to launches after getting good GPS lock. This could be due to operator moving Solo to change settings/batteries on GoPro after a successful flight causing it to lose calibration, but it should re-check calibration before arming each time instead of flipping over and busting off all of the props during the Arming Cycle.

Poor self awareness of Solo. When it does flip on it's back, it keeps the motors running until the operator turns them off. In normal (not Acro) mode, it should turn off the motors as soon as it detects a crash. Most of the flip/crashes I've had and have read about occur during the Arm/Launch phase, when the Solo should know that it's not supposed to be inverted.
Bottom line, if it's at zero Feet/Meters and upside down, the motors should be off.

The Artoo Controller reads in Metric Only. Maybe most of the world is in Metric, and those of us in the USA are behind the times, but still... this is a simple issue that I would have though they would have fixed by now.
30+ years of flying RC and with real birds, I'm used to the Imperial System.

Weak WiFi signal strength. Being that the Solo was suppose to compete with the other guys Light Bridge system, I would have expected a much more robust connection system. I know some people have seen remarkable distance with the stock antennas, but those are the exceptions. I lose Controller connection in a clear level field with no power-lines or obstructions at about 1000' at an altitude of less than 200'

No GoPro integration without the very late to release Gimbal. This was a major disappointment, seeing that this was supposed to be Solo's strongest point. It can't even start/stop recording unless I do it.

No Simulator released with the product. It was widely advertised before release that there would be a full simulator, based on what was at the kiosks at NAB 2015.

Well, I got some very disparaging remarks on the 3DR Solo Owners group after posting this message. Pretty much got called a liar, that I was making this stuff up or copying other people's problems.

Got accused of being passive aggressive by someone who was replying passive aggressively...oh the irony. Sad that someone who is trying to help and wants to make the product better is treated like crap from some employees and fanboys.

I have no doubt that 3DR will correct and improve much of these issues over time but they seem hell bent on defending the GPS unit...claiming they tested it vs the Ublox 8 and that they got better S/N ratios with the 7 because of the wideband nature of the antenna on the 8.

All I know is that I have two other birds with GPS/GLONASS receivers which are rock solid, obtain position within seconds (not minutes), and rarely (if ever) lose lock or have high position errors. But apparently that is not a valid observation because it was my field observation and I have no idea what I am talking about because I'm a newbie or something like that.
Hey Liar ! :D

That goes along with the Facebook group. There is still more info there than anywhere else but you have to deal with the crap that goes with it. I can't do it so I avoid it if possible.

This forum is growing and will soon become the source of information for Solo. No need for Facesmack.
As to the A and B buttons... keep in mind, these appear to change their definitions when in an 'app' like Orbit, or Cable Cam, etc.

So programming the A button to go to Fly Manually may not work while in a flight mode that redefines what buttons A and B do.

I haven't experimented with this, nor have I re-read the manual to see what it says about this.
As to the A and B buttons... keep in mind, these appear to change their definitions when in an 'app' like Orbit, or Cable Cam, etc..

Good point. Since they are used to initiate cable cam and orbit you really cant displace the function button for those.

I am really missing the two buttons DJI added on the bottom of the controller on P3 and Inspire. Don't need to take your fingers off the sticks to use them. I think 3DR really missed on this one. Hope on future models they will add this.
As to the A and B buttons... keep in mind, these appear to change their definitions when in an 'app' like Orbit, or Cable Cam, etc.

So programming the A button to go to Fly Manually may not work while in a flight mode that redefines what buttons A and B do.

I haven't experimented with this, nor have I re-read the manual to see what it says about this.

Gotcha...the buttons didn't appear to do anything in the follow mode but I didn't think about the other modes. That being said, I still think that flying in manual mode should be one button press away...regardless of what your are doing.
Not sure if this is the right thread or not but this seems to be the best for the search that I did.

Suggestion to improve Solo;
1) Provide one charger unit that can charge all the three units. (Controller, Flight Batteries, GoPro, and Tablet.
2) Better GPS Unit.
3) Supply more than one set of props when you purchase the unit.

Please feel free to add to the list, I would like to see other suggestions.

Thank you!

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