Smart Shot Chaining and Smart Shot Recall

Jun 25, 2016
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Dallas - Ft Worth, TX
Yeah, so in watching tons of little videos I've heard mention of pulling up historical cable cams and all kind of stuff to repeat a shot, and I've seen discussion and heard mention of setting up a shot by setting up a multi-point cable cam, an orbit then another multi-point cable cam.

Uh... How?

I've been able to set up multi-point Cable Cam and it's worked pretty well. I've been able to set up Orbit, and it's worked well too. Can I actually use them together? Like say I want to track down a sidewalk using Cable Cam and when I arrive at a given house, I want to Orbit the house at a higher altitude, but I do not want to use Cable Cam (because it won't be an Arc)... can I do it?

As mentioned, I've been able to set up each feature... but I've seen mention that I can just call up a previously set example and "play" it again. Uh where?

Using the app on iOS if it makes a difference.
Your previous cable cams are under the section "saved shots" when you open Cable cam in smart shots.
I'd like to know how to use smart shots together as well if it's actually possible.
Let me know if you figure out how to chain them together using just the Solo app.

Now, if you have an Android device at your disposal you can definitely chain them together via Tower. Granted you currently have to recreate your mpcc in Tower but it works very well.
Yeah, so in watching tons of little videos I've heard mention of pulling up historical cable cams and all kind of stuff to repeat a shot, and I've seen discussion and heard mention of setting up a shot by setting up a multi-point cable cam, an orbit then another multi-point cable cam.

Uh... How?

I've been able to set up multi-point Cable Cam and it's worked pretty well. I've been able to set up Orbit, and it's worked well too. Can I actually use them together? Like say I want to track down a sidewalk using Cable Cam and when I arrive at a given house, I want to Orbit the house at a higher altitude, but I do not want to use Cable Cam (because it won't be an Arc)... can I do it?

As mentioned, I've been able to set up each feature... but I've seen mention that I can just call up a previously set example and "play" it again. Uh where?

Using the app on iOS if it makes a difference.
You can use MPCC (multi point cable cam) to fly an arc or circle by flying to multiple points arranged in an arc or circle. More tedious than using orbit but you can't fly a cable cam and automatically go into an orbit shot.

In your example, you could select MPCC and set a start point by pressing the A button. Fly down the sidewalk to the point where you want to begin climbing into an orbit, and hit A again.

Climb to your desired altitude, move Solo to where you want the orbit to begin, point Solo at your house and aim gimbal at desired elevation angle. (Up/down) Press A again. Fly to next point of your desired orbit and repeat. I don't know how many "points" you would have to set to get a relatively smooth circle.

Press B when you reach the last point of your circle-probably near the first orbit point.

From there you can tell Solo to execute the shot and it will fly in reverse order until it reaches the start point. Once there, you can fly the shot from the beginning.

Once Solo is in the air and you select "cable cam" I believe you can access all the settings for speed, etc. Somewhere in there, I think there is a setting which affects the "splining" or rounding of waypoint corners which is used if you don't want Solo making sharp turns. If so, it would help make a smoother orbit with cable cam.

I thought I read some posts about this some time ago but can't find them now. Will check further when I can get Solo in the air later on.
Wow, between the saved shots and being able to affect the behavior at points, I've apparently got a lot to do in their to figure things out. Something tells me I better play in the simulator a lot more (save some flight battery time... also, night). Thanks for the thoughts!
Tower, the ground control app, can do all this and more. It works out better and is fairly simple to learn. Unfortunately, you need an Android device to use it. I got my Nexus 7(2013 ver.) at Amazon several months ago for about $150. No monthly service needed to run Tower. Just something to consider...:)
Tower, the ground control app, can do all this and more. It works out better and is fairly simple to learn. Unfortunately, you need an Android device to use it. I got my Nexus 7(2013 ver.) at Amazon several months ago for about $150. No monthly service needed to run Tower. Just something to consider...:)

The problem with Tower and MP is the abrupt nature of the gimbal pitch and yaws transitions. They are great programs for moving the UAVs around the sky and terribly lacking in finesse for cinematic filming.
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The problem with Tower and MP is the abrupt nature of the gimbal pitch and yaws transitions. They are great programs for moving the UAVs around the sky and terribly lacking in finesse for cinematic filming.
I think using slow speeds and spline waypoints helps, but it will never be as good as smart shots.;)

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